Man pages for Bioconductor/AWSParallel
AWS facilities for parallel evaluation

awsAmiIdGet AWS AMI-ID of the launched instance. These need to be...
AWSBatchJobsParamAWSBatchJobsParam function to start an AWS EC2-instance...
AWSBatchJobsParam-classReference class .AWSBatchJobsParam allows use AWS EC2 as...
awsClusterGet the AWSSnowParam object currently launched. Only one...
awsCredentialsPathGet path to AWS credentials
awsDetectMasterFunction to detect if code is being run on EC2 master node
awsDetectOrCreateSubnetDescribe the Subnet that needs to be used
awsDetectSecurityGroupDetect the security group which needs to be used
awsDetectSubnetOnMasterDetect the subnet on the AWS master instance of the cluster
awsDetectVpcDescribe the VPC that needs to be used
awsInstanceGet AWS instance attributes in a list
awsInstanceTypeGet AWS Instance type.
awsLaunchMasterLaunch AWS master node
awsLaunchMasterOnEc2Launch master node on AWS EC2 if credentials are valid
awsParallelListClustersFunction to return the names of Clusters launched.
awsProfileGet the awsProfile being used
awsSecurityGroupGet AWS Security group for the EC2 instance, which defines...
AWSSnowParamAWSSnowParam function to start an AWS EC2-instance cluster
AWSSnowParam-classReference class .AWSSnowParam that allows usage of AWS...
awsSshKeyPairGet the SSH public key path associted to the AWS EC2...
awsSubnetGet AWS Subnet within which the AWS EC2 instance was launched
awsWorkersGet number of workers in the cluster
bpsetupSetup a new AWS EC2 cluster
bpsuspendSuspend an AWS EC2 cluster started using bpsetup
bpteardownTeardown permanently (TERMINATE) the AWS cluster.
config_starclusterFunction to fill the starcluster configuration
getAwsAmiIdGet name of bioconductor release version AMI
getAwsRequirementsGet AWS security requirements
transferFromClusterAllows transfer of files from master node to the host...
transferToClusterAllows transfer of files from Host machine, to master node on...
Bioconductor/AWSParallel documentation built on May 28, 2019, 11:58 a.m.