BiocCheck-class: A class for composing BiocCheck reports.

BiocCheck-classR Documentation

A class for composing BiocCheck reports.


The BiocCheck class provides a framework for reporting checks based on Bioconductor guidelines. The class has several methods for working with the provided checks that handle and display messages and the display of the metadata. These methods also record the output of the BiocCheck() report in both plain text and JSON formats.

Note that currently, multiple BiocCheck runs will interfere with each other given that they are implemented via a reference class semantic. When running multiple checks in the same session, you can separate these instances by running them in separate processes (e.g., via BiocParallel).


The metadata includes a number of standard fields to allow easier troubleshooting and display of potentially relevant information. Currently, the fields included are:

  • BiocCheckVersion: The version of the BiocCheck package

  • BiocVersion: The version of Bioconductor

  • Package: The name of the package in check

  • PackageVersion: The version of the package in check

  • sourceDir: The directory of the package source or tarball in check

  • installDir: The directory where the package is installed for testing, a temporary location by default

  • BiocCheckDir: The directory where the ⁠<package>.BiocCheck⁠ folder is saved. Usually the same folder as the package in check

  • platform: The platform/OS where the check is taking place

  • isTarBall: Whether the package in check is a source directory or a tarball


A BiocCheck instance



list() A running list of all conditions raised (i.e., notes, warnings, errors)


character(1) The title of the last check used for logging purposes.


list() Finer extraction of each condition type


list() A list of additional information relevant to the package and its state. See details.

See Also



bc <- BiocCheck:::.BiocCheck

Bioconductor/BiocCheck documentation built on Feb. 20, 2025, 8:10 a.m.