title: "Administrative tools for new package contributions" author: "Jim Hester, Jim Java, Martin Morgan" date: "r BiocStyle::doc_date()" package: "r BiocStyle::pkg_ver('BiocContributions')" abstract: > This package provides facilities for managing new package contributions. This vignette describes use high-level 'workflow' functions for accomplishing major tasks. The workflow steps reference useful functions for more specific management tasks. The document is relevant to the 'tracker-based' package submission scheme used until Bioc-3.4. vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Managing New Package Contributions} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} output: BiocStyle::html_document


Make a working directory hierarchy, e.g.,

mkdir -p ~/proj/Rpacks
mkdir -p ~/proj/experiment

Ensure the following options are set (bioc_contributions_project is ~/proj, created above)

    ## tracker credentials
    ## local setup
    ## signature in communications with users
    bioc_contributions_signature="Martin Morgan",


Assign new packages

  1. Load the package

  2. Create a new draft gmail with assignment content

    assignments = CreatePackageAssignmentEmail()
  3. Manually check status in the tracker.

  4. Assign packages to reviewers in the tracker

    result <- with(assignments, assign_packages(pkgs, code))
    for (res in result) httr::stop_for_status(res)
  5. Review and send draft gmail.

Add pre-accepted packages

The work flow typically starts by adding credentials and final acceptance of previously pre-accepted packages, and then adding the current pre-accepted packages to svn and asking for credentials for them.

Add to SVN

  1. Download package tarballs

    f = DownloadNewPackageTarballs()
  2. Manually confirm that all tarballs have been downloaded, e.g., when one issue has both software and data packages

  3. Separate software and data packages. This should be done by consulting biocViews terms but currently needs to be done manually.

    (bioc_class <- bioc_views_classification(f$filenames))
  4. Add experiment, software packages.

  5. Save new-package info for follow-up tasks.

    path = paste0(proj_path(),
        "new-packages-metadata_", format(Sys.Date(), "%Y%m%d"),
    save(f, file=path)


After the 'save()' above, this function will find and use the most recently saved metadata to continue package acceptance after scicomp's reply.

  1. Ask for svn accounts. The code is tries to guess svn user credentials and not ask for individuals who already have accounts, but these need to be reviewed manually. The response is usually quick, within a day.

  2. The following generates instructions to be pasted into R to (1) send acceptance emails (these need to be reviewd and sent from gmail, including adding svn credentials manually); and (2) accepts packages in the tracker.

  3. svn_software_auth_text(f$filenames) and svn_data_experiment_auth_text(f$filenames) generates text to edit the SVN authorization file; see *_permissions() functions for automation, but I have not trusted these.

Annotation packages

Here is a summary of the procedure:

  1. You will need access to the biocadmin account on zin1 (for BioC release) and zin2 (for BioC devel).

  2. rsync the packages to a temporary place on zin1 and/or zin2.

  3. Login to zin1 and/or zin2 as biocadmin and drop the source packages in


on zin1, and in


on zin2.

  1. If the packages are updated versions of existing packages, remove the old packages. To get a list of old packages, you can start R and run:

    # replace 3.2 with 3.3 on zin2
  2. Run the prepareRepos/pushRepos sequence. That is:

    cd /home/biocadmin/manage-BioC-repos/3.4

(replace 3.2 with 3.3 on zin2)

The prepareRepos script takes a long time (about 2 hours).

Alternatively, uncomment the cron job called "Just a daily resync of the public 3.Y/data/annotation repo" in the crontab for biocadmin and tweak the time you want this to start. Don't forget to re-comment this once the job has started.

  1. Once everything has completed, start R from another machine (e.g. your laptop) and check that the packages are available via biocLite(). Additionally you can have a look at the package landing pages and make sure that everything looks fine (remember there is a lag of 15-20 min. between pushRepos and the update of the package landing pages). You might see some broken shields if the packages are new but I've observed that they seem to auto-fix the day after (there might be a division by zero going on or something like that due to the fact that the package is 0 day old).

Weekly summaries


Bioconductor/BiocContributions documentation built on May 6, 2019, 7:48 a.m.