Bioconductor/ENAR2016: Tutorial: Introduction to High Throughput DNA Sequence Data Analysis Using R / Bioconductor

Vignettes and resources to support a 90 minute tutorial. Modern methods of high-throughput genomic data generate large primary data sets that require significant data manipulation and statistical summary before arriving at biological insight. This workshop starts by outlining basic DNA sequence analysis work flows, from primary data generation to biological interpretation. We use this outline, and especially the 'RNA-seq known gene differential expression' work flow, to identify relevant data management and statistical issues. The workshop then steps through _R_ and _Bioconductor_ code to implement essential stages in data management and statistical analysis. We conclude with a brief overview of the resources available for further study.

Getting started

Package details

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Bioconductor/ENAR2016 documentation built on May 6, 2019, 7:49 a.m.