Man pages for Bioconductor/HCAExplorer
Browse the Human Cell Atlas data portal

activate.HCAExplorerActivate projects, samples, or files to display in the...
download-expression-matricesDownload Expression Matrices with HCAExplorer
fields-HCAExplorer-methodList supported fields of an HCAExplorer object
filter.HCAExplorerFilter an HCAExplorer object using fields and values
getManifestObtain metadata information from an HCAExplorer object
getManifestFileFormatsShow all possible manifest file formats for current selection
HCAExplorerThe Project Browser Class
HCAExplorer-classThe Project Browser Class
nextResultsNext Results
ProjectView-classThe ProjectView class
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
resetQueryReset all queries performed on an object
resetSelectReset a select perform on an HCAExplorer object.
resultsObtain search unattenuated results tibble from an HCAExplorer...
select.HCAExplorerSelect columns to display upon showing the object
show-HCAExplorer-methodShow HCAExplorer
sub-HCAExplorer-ANY-ANY-ANY-methodSubset an HCAExplorer Object by row number or project name
undoQueryUndo one or multiple queries performed on an object
values-HCAExplorer-methodList all values for certain fields in a HCAExplorer Object
viewProjectsView all metadata about a selection of projects
Bioconductor/HCAExplorer documentation built on Feb. 13, 2021, 7:07 a.m.