SparseArray-Ops-methods: 'Ops' methods for SparseArray objects

SparseArray-Ops-methodsR Documentation

'Ops' methods for SparseArray objects


SparseArray derivatives support operations from the Arith, Compare, and Logic groups, with some restrictions. All together, these groups are referred to as the Ops group. See ?S4groupGeneric in the methods package for more information about the Ops group generic.


  • Only SVT_SparseArray objects are supported at the moment. Support for COO_SparseArray objects might be added in the future.

  • Arith operations don't support SVT_SparseArray objects of type() "complex" at the moment.


Two forms of operations are supported:

  1. Between an SVT_SparseArray object svt and a single value y:

        svt op y
        y op svt

    The operations from the Arith group that support this form are: *, /, ^, %%,%/%. Note that, except for * (for which both svt * y and y * svt are supported), single value y must be on the right e.g. svt ^ 3.

    All operations from the Compare group support this form, with single value y either on the left or the right. However, there are some operation-dependent restrictions on the value of y.

  2. Between two SVT_SparseArray objects svt1 and svt2 of same dimensions (a.k.a. conformable arrays):

        svt1 op svt2

    The operations from the Arith group that support this form are: +, -, *.

    The operations from the Compare group that support this form are: !=, <, >.


A SparseArray derivative of the same dimensions as the input object(s).

See Also

  • S4groupGeneric in the methods package.

  • SparseArray objects.

  • Ordinary array objects in base R.


m <- matrix(0L, nrow=15, ncol=6)
m[c(2, 6, 12:17, 22:33, 55, 59:62, 90)] <- 101:126
svt <- SparseArray(m)

## Can be 5x or 10x faster than with a dgCMatrix object on a big
## SVT_SparseMatrix object!
svt2 <- (svt^1.5 + svt) 

## Sanity check:
m2 <- (m^1.5 + m) 
stopifnot(identical(as.matrix(svt2), m2))

Bioconductor/SparseArray documentation built on June 22, 2024, 8:56 p.m.