VEPParam-class: VEPParam objects

VEPParam-classR Documentation

VEPParam objects


VEPParam is a VIRTUAL class with concrete subclasses that store runtime options for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor.


  • - The VEPParam family of objects stores runtime options for querying the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP). Brief descriptions of the options are provided below. For complete details, see the Ensembl VEP web page.

  • VEPParam subclasses: As of ensemblVEP version >= 1.3.3 a new subclass of VEPParam is created when there is a substantial change in the Ensembl variant database API. The subclass will support all versions up until the next 'substantial' version change. The version accessor on a VEPParam object lists all versions that particular VEPParam class supports. By default the VEPParam constructor creates a subclass that supports the current version. To create a VEPParam for a specific version, supply the version as an argument. Use supportedVEP() to see all supported versions.

  • Archived versions: Past versions of the VEP script and corresponding data are available on the Ensembl archive page.

    Archived scripts can query cached data or perform a live query against the European mirror. (The US mirror, useastdb, hosts the current release only.) The appropriate version of cached data can be downloaded from the same page as the archived script.

  • Multiple versions: By default, the script found in the PATH is the script used. If multiple versions of the script are installed locally a few steps must be taken to ensure the proper version is used.

    • scriptPath Provide the full path to the script (including the .pl extension) as the scriptPath argument to the VEPParam constructor.

    • cache directories By default, the cache runtime options dir, dir_cache and dir_plugins are set to $HOME/.vep. These locations need to be specified if the data are not in the default $HOME/.vep location.

Runtime options

For a description of runtime options for the most current version of the API see the ?runtimeOptions man page or the Ensembl web site:

Runtime options for archived versions can be found on the corresponding archive page.



VEPParam(version=max(unlist(currentVEP()), basic=basicOpts(), input=inputOpts(), cache=cacheOpts(), output=outputOpts(), filterqc=filterqcOpts(), database=databaseOpts(), advanced=advancedOpts(), identifier=identifierOpts(), colocatedVariants=colocatedVariantsOpts(), dataformat=dataformatOpts(), scriptPath=character(), ...) Creates a VEPParam object.


Numeric specifying the Ensembl API version(s) supported.


list of basic options


list of input options


list of cache options


list of output options


list of filterqc options


list of database options


list of advanced options


character path to script; applicable when multiple versions of the script are installed locally

Supported for VEPParam73 and later:


list of identifier options


list of colocatedVariants options


list of dataformat options


In the following code, x is a VEPParam object and value is a named list or character vector.


basic(x), basic(x) <- value


input(x), input(x) <- value


cache(x), cache(x) <- value


output(x), output(x) <- value


filterqc(x), filterqc(x) <- value


database(x), database(x) <- value


advanced(x), advanced(x) <- value


version(x), version(x) <- value


scriptPath(x), scriptPath(x) <- value

Supported for VEPParam73 and later:


identifier(x), identifier(x) <- value


colocatedVariants(x), colocatedVariants(x) <- value


dataformat(x), dataformat(x) <- value

Helper functions


currentVEP(): Invoked with no arguments. Returns the most current VEPParam class and supported Ensembl API versions. A single class may support more than one version.


supportedVEP(): Invoked with no arguments. Returns a list of VEPParam subclasses and the Ensembl API versions they support.

The following functions create a list of runtime options and are used in the VEPParam constructor.


basicOpts(version, ...)


inputOpts(version, ...)


cacheOpts(version, ...)


outputOpts(version, ...)


filterqcOpts(version, ...)


databaseOpts(version, ...)


advancedOpts(version, ...)

Supported for VEPParam73 and later:


identifierOpts(version, ...)


colocatedVariantsOpts(version, ...)


dataformatOpts(version, ...)


Valerie Obenchain and Lori Shepherd

See Also

  • The runtimeOptions man page.

  • The ensemblVEP function man page.

  • The VEPFlags class page for current API.


  ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Archived API versions
  ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Create a VEPParam for an archived version by supplying the
  ## version to the constructor.
  ## See ?VEPFlags for Current API version
  param <- VEPParam(version=85)

  ## The 'version' slot lists all API versions supported by the class.

  ## The 'supportedVEP' helper returns a list of VEPParam classes and the
  ## corresponding API versions they support.

  ## A different archieved version
  param67 <- VEPParam(67)

  ## Archive versions can query the cache or the European mirror. The
  ## default 'host' for live queries is set to ''.

  ## By default the VEP script used is the one found in the PATH.
  ## To specify a script in a non-standard location use the 'scriptPath'
  ## setter. Include the full path and the name of the script with the
  ## .pl extension.
  ## Not run: 
  scriptPath(param) <- "fullPathToScript/"
## End(Not run)

  ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Manipulation
  ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------

  ## View the values in 'basic' and 'input'.

  ## Change the value of the 'everything' to TRUE.
  basic(param)$everything <- TRUE

  ## Replace multiple values using a named list.
  basic(param) <- list(verbose=TRUE, config="myconfig.txt")

  ## Write the output to myfile.vcf instead of returning a VCF object.
  ## Return the sift and polyphen predictions only (not scores).
  param <- VEPParam(input=c(output_file="path/myfile.vcf"),
		    output=c(sift="p", polyphen="p"), version=88)

  ## 'sift' and 'polyphen' are runtime options that require
  ## a character value, (i.e., 's', 'p', or 'b').

  ## To turn off 'sift' or 'polyphen' set the value to an
  ## empty character (i.e., character()).
  output(param)$sift <- character()

Bioconductor/ensemblVEP documentation built on May 4, 2024, 4:50 p.m.