Man pages for Bioconductor/genefilter
genefilter: methods for filtering genes from high-throughput experiments

AnovaA filter function for Analysis of Variance
coxfilterA filter function for univariate Cox regression.
cvA filter function for the coefficient of variation.
deprecatedDeprecated functions in package 'genefilter'
dist2Calculate an n-by-n matrix by applying a function to all...
eSetFilterA function to filter an eSet object
filtered_pCompute and adjust p-values, with filtering
filterfunCreates a first FALSE exiting function from the list of...
filter_volcanoVolcano plot for overall variance filtering
findLargestFind the Entrez Gene ID corresponding to the largest...
gapFilterA filter to select genes based on there being a gap.
genefilterA function to filter genes.
genefinderFinds genes that have similar patterns of expression.
genescaleScales a matrix or vector.
half.range.modeMode estimation for continuous data
kappa_pCompute proportionality constant for fold change bound.
kOverAA filter function for k elements larger than A.
maxAA filter function to filter according to the maximum.
nsFilterFiltering of Features in an ExpressionSet
pOverAA filter function to filter according to the proportion of...
rejection_plotPlot rejections vs. p-value cutoff
rowFtestst-tests and F-tests for rows or columns of a matrix
rowpAUCsRowwise ROC and pAUC computation
rowROC-classClass "rowROC"
rowSdsRow variance and standard deviation of a numeric array
shorthA location estimator based on the shorth
tdataA small test dataset of Affymetrix Expression data.
ttestA filter function for a t.test
Bioconductor/genefilter documentation built on May 4, 2024, 4:50 p.m.