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Example packages using generics package


Summary of Conflicting Functions

# Get all conflicting functions from two namespaces
conflicts2 <- function(x, y) {
    Filter(Negate(function(x) grepl("\\.__T__", x)),
           intersect(getNamespaceExports(x), getNamespaceExports(y)))

# CRAN packages from
CRAN <- c(

# Bioc Packages from top 25 of
Bioc <- c(

suppressPackageStartupMessages(invisible(lapply(c(CRAN, Bioc), library, character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)))

all <- expand.grid(CRAN = CRAN, Bioconductor = Bioc, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

all$conflicts <- Map(conflicts2, all[[1]], all[[2]])

# Filter out all the generics defined in methods

gen_defs <- function(namespace) {
    gens <- getGenerics(where=asNamespace(namespace))

    Map(function(f, package)
        get(f, envir = asNamespace(package), mode = "function"),
        gens@.Data, gens@package)

filter_defs <- c(gen_defs("methods"),

in_defs <- function(x, defs) {
            function(xx) {
                identical(xx, x) || .hasSlot(xx, "default") && identical(xx@default@.Data, x)

filter_methods <- function(x, package) {
    if (!length(x)) return(x)
    funs <- lapply(x, get, envir = asNamespace(package), mode = "function")
    in_methods <- vapply(funs, in_defs, logical(1), defs = filter_defs)

all$conflicts <- Map(filter_methods, all$conflicts, all$CRAN)

all$`S3 Generics` <- Map(function(package, funs)
    Filter(function(x) pryr:::is_s3_generic(x, env = asNamespace(package)), funs),
    all$CRAN, all$conflicts)

all$`S4 Generics` <- Map(function(package, funs)
    Filter(function(x) isGeneric(x, where = asNamespace(package)), funs),
    all$CRAN, all$conflicts)

all$normal <- Map(function(conflicts, S3, S4) conflicts[!(conflicts %in% S3 | conflicts %in% S4)],
    all$conflicts, all$`S3 Generics`, all$`S4 Generics`)

res <- all[lengths(all$conflicts) > 0, ]
knitr::kable(res, row.names = FALSE)

| CRAN | Bioconductor | conflicts | S3 Generics | S4 Generics | normal | |:-------------|:------------------|:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:------------------------------------|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | base | BiocGenerics | setdiff, match, is.unsorted, table, evalq, union, intersect | | | setdiff, match, is.unsorted, table, evalq, union, intersect | | stats | BiocGenerics | mad, xtabs, IQR | | | mad, xtabs, IQR | | dplyr | BiocGenerics | intersect, setdiff, union, combine | intersect, setdiff, union | | combine | | lubridate | BiocGenerics | intersect, union, setdiff | | intersect, union, setdiff | | | randomForest | BiocGenerics | combine | | | combine | | parallel | BiocGenerics | clusterExport, parSapplyLB, clusterApplyLB, parSapply, parApply, clusterMap, clusterApply, clusterEvalQ, clusterCall, parCapply, parRapply, parLapplyLB, parLapply | | | clusterExport, parSapplyLB, clusterApplyLB, parSapply, parApply, clusterMap, clusterApply, clusterEvalQ, clusterCall, parCapply, parRapply, parLapplyLB, parLapply | | base | IRanges | t, setdiff, gsub, mean, toupper, merge, chartr, summary, with, match, tolower, diff, by, split\<-, nchar, rev, is.unsorted, sub, table, as.matrix, as.table, which, %in%, within, transform, union, which.min, which.max, drop, intersect | t, mean, merge, summary, with, diff, by, split\<-, rev, as.matrix, as.table, within, transform | | setdiff, gsub, toupper, chartr, match, tolower, nchar, is.unsorted, sub, table, which, %in%, union, which.min, which.max, drop, intersect | | stats | IRanges | smoothEnds, mad, runmed, window\<-, cor, cov, quantile, median, update, sd, var, IQR | window\<-, quantile, median, update | | smoothEnds, mad, runmed, cor, cov, sd, var, IQR | | RMySQL | IRanges | summary | | summary | | | RSQLite | IRanges | summary | | summary | | | XLConnect | IRanges | summary | | summary | | | dplyr | IRanges | slice, collapse, intersect, setdiff, union, desc | collapse, intersect, setdiff, union | | slice, desc | | tidyr | IRanges | expand | | | expand | | lubridate | IRanges | %within%, intersect, union, setdiff | | %within%, intersect, union, setdiff | | | nlme | IRanges | collapse | collapse | | | | vcd | IRanges | tile | tile | | | | sp | IRanges | summary, %over%, merge | | summary, merge | %over% | | quantmod | IRanges | summary | | summary | | | data.table | IRanges | shift | | | shift | | testthat | IRanges | compare | compare | | | | dplyr | Biobase | combine | | | combine | | randomForest | Biobase | combine | | | combine | | httr | Biobase | content | | | content | | base | AnnotationDbi | summary, ls, sample, eapply, exists | summary | | ls, sample, eapply, exists | | RMySQL | AnnotationDbi | summary | | summary | | | RSQLite | AnnotationDbi | summary | | summary | | | XLConnect | AnnotationDbi | summary | | summary | | | dplyr | AnnotationDbi | select | | | select | | rmarkdown | AnnotationDbi | metadata | | | metadata | | sp | AnnotationDbi | summary | | summary | | | quantmod | AnnotationDbi | summary | | summary | | | base | GenomeInfoDb | merge, summary, intersect | merge, summary | | intersect | | RMySQL | GenomeInfoDb | summary | | summary | | | RSQLite | GenomeInfoDb | summary | | summary | | | XLConnect | GenomeInfoDb | summary | | summary | | | dplyr | GenomeInfoDb | intersect | intersect | | | | lubridate | GenomeInfoDb | intersect | | intersect | | | sp | GenomeInfoDb | summary, merge | | summary, merge | | | quantmod | GenomeInfoDb | summary | | summary | | | base | S4Vectors | t, setdiff, merge, substring, substr, split, expand.grid, summary, droplevels, with, match, by, ifelse, as.matrix, levels, as.table, %in%, within, transform, as.factor, union, intersect | t, merge, split, summary, droplevels, with, by, as.matrix, levels, as.table, within, transform | | setdiff, substring, substr, expand.grid, match, ifelse, %in%, as.factor, union, intersect | | stats | S4Vectors | na.exclude, na.omit, complete.cases, window, aggregate, cor, cov, sd, var, xtabs | na.exclude, na.omit, window, aggregate | | complete.cases, cor, cov, sd, var, xtabs | | RMySQL | S4Vectors | summary | | summary | | | RSQLite | S4Vectors | summary | | summary | | | XLConnect | S4Vectors | summary | | summary | | | dplyr | S4Vectors | intersect, setdiff, union, rename | intersect, setdiff, union | | rename | | lubridate | S4Vectors | intersect, union, setdiff | | intersect, union, setdiff | | | rmarkdown | S4Vectors | metadata | | | metadata | | sp | S4Vectors | summary, split, merge | | summary, split, merge | | | quantmod | S4Vectors | summary | | summary | | | testthat | S4Vectors | compare | compare | | | | base | Biostrings | setdiff, chartr, substring, substr, summary, match, nchar, is.unsorted, as.matrix, %in%, toString, union, setequal, intersect | summary, as.matrix, toString | | setdiff, chartr, substring, substr, match, nchar, is.unsorted, %in%, union, setequal, intersect | | RMySQL | Biostrings | summary | | summary | | | RSQLite | Biostrings | summary | | summary | | | XLConnect | Biostrings | summary | | summary | | | dplyr | Biostrings | collapse, intersect, setdiff, setequal, union | collapse, intersect, setdiff, setequal, union | | | | lubridate | Biostrings | intersect, union, setdiff | | intersect, union, setdiff | | | nlme | Biostrings | collapse | collapse | | | | sp | Biostrings | summary | | summary | | | quantmod | Biostrings | summary | | summary | | | testthat | Biostrings | compare | compare | | | | base | XVector | match, rev, is.unsorted, toString | rev, toString | | match, is.unsorted | | dplyr | XVector | slice | | | slice | | testthat | XVector | compare | compare | | | | base | GenomicRanges | setdiff, merge, split, match, is.unsorted, as.factor, union, intersect | merge, split | | setdiff, match, is.unsorted, as.factor, union, intersect | | dplyr | GenomicRanges | intersect, setdiff, union | intersect, setdiff, union | | | | lubridate | GenomicRanges | intersect, union, setdiff | | intersect, union, setdiff | | | vcd | GenomicRanges | tile | tile | | | | sp | GenomicRanges | split, merge | | split, merge | | | data.table | GenomicRanges | shift | | | shift | | testthat | GenomicRanges | compare | compare | | | | base | Rsamtools | isOpen, isIncomplete | | | isOpen, isIncomplete | | zoo | Rsamtools | index | index | | | | base | genefilter | anyNA | anyNA | anyNA | | | graphics | genefilter | plot | plot | | | | car | genefilter | Anova | Anova | | | | sp | genefilter | plot | | plot | | | base | rtracklayer | split, summary, close | split, summary, close | | | | stats | rtracklayer | offset | | | offset | | RMySQL | rtracklayer | summary | | summary | | | RSQLite | rtracklayer | summary | | summary | | | XLConnect | rtracklayer | summary | | summary | | | sp | rtracklayer | summary, split | | summary, split | | | quantmod | rtracklayer | summary | | summary | | | dplyr | biomaRt | select | | | select | | base | graph | union | | | union | | graphics | graph | plot | plot | | | | dplyr | graph | union | union | | | | stringr | graph | boundary | | | boundary | | lubridate | graph | union | | union | | | sp | graph | plot | | plot | | | XML | graph | addNode | addNode | | | | dplyr | GenomicAlignments | first, last | | | first, last | | xts | GenomicAlignments | last, first | last, first | | | | data.table | GenomicAlignments | last | | | last | | dplyr | GenomicFeatures | select | | | select | | base | affy | open, close | open, close | | | | graphics | affy | hist, barplot | hist, barplot | | | | lubridate | affy | pm | | | pm | | base | BSgenome | nchar | | | nchar |

Tabulated by function

res2 <- unique(unnest(res, conflicts)[c("CRAN", "conflicts")])
res3 <- spread(res2, conflicts, CRAN, fill="")
res4 <- lapply(res3, function(x) x[x != ""])`cat`, c(Map(function(nme, pkgs) {
  paste0(" - ", nme, " - ", paste0(pkgs, collapse = ", "))
    }, names(res4), res4, USE.NAMES = FALSE), list(sep = "\n")))

Bioconductor/generics documentation built on May 6, 2019, 7:52 a.m.