updatePackageObjects: Update the serialized objects contained in a package or in a...

View source: R/updatePackageObjects.R

updatePackageObjectsR Documentation

Update the serialized objects contained in a package or in a set of packages


Use updatePackageObjects() to update all the serialized objects contained in a package.

Use updateAllPackageObjects() to update all the serialized objects contained in a set of packages.


updatePackageObjects(pkgpath=".", filter=NULL,
                     dry.run=FALSE, bump.Version=FALSE)

updateAllPackageObjects(all_pkgpaths, skipped_pkgs=NULL, filter=NULL,
                     dry.run=FALSE, bump.Version=FALSE)



The path (as a single string) to the top-level directory of an R package source tree.

filter, dry.run

These arguments are passed down to updateSerializedObjects(). See ?updateSerializedObjects for the details.


TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE and if some RDS or RDA files in the package actually get updated by updateSerializedObjects(), then the package version will get bumped, that is, the Version field in its DESCRIPTION file will get bumped from X.Y.Z to X.Y.(Z+1). For example, version 2.0.9 will become 2.0.10.

Additionally, the Date field (if present) will get updated to the current date.


Character vector of package paths.


Character vector of package paths to ignore.


updatePackageObjects() returns the value returned by its call to updateSerializedObjects(). See ?updateSerializedObjects for the details.

updateAllPackageObjects() returns a named integer vector parallel to all_pkgpaths.

See Also

  • The updateSerializedObjects function which is the workhorse behind updatePackageObjects.

  • updateBiocPackageRepoObjects and updateAllBiocPackageRepoObjects which are wrapper functions that also take care of committing and pushing the changes made to the packages.

  • The bump_pkg_version function which is used internally by updatePackageObjects and updateAllPackageObjects when bump.Version=TRUE.


## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## A SIMPLE updatePackageObjects() EXAMPLE
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## DemoPackage is a small demo package (contained in the updateObject
## package) with some old serialized GRanges objects in it.
pkgname <- "DemoPackage"
pkgpath0 <- system.file(pkgname, package="updateObject")

## Let's copy DemoPackage to a writable location.
pkgpath <- file.path(tempdir(), pkgname)
file.copy(pkgpath0, dirname(pkgpath), recursive=TRUE)

## Note that, in order to update the GRanges objects contained in
## DemoPackage, updatePackageObjects() will need to attach the
## GenomicRanges package. That's because this is where the GRanges
## class and updateObject() method for GRanges objects are both
## defined. See '?updateSerializedObjects' for more information.
## Also note that we don't need to perform two passes ("dry run" +
## "real run"), one pass is enough. Here we show the 2-pass procedure
## for illustrative purpose only.

## 1st pass: dry run
code <- updatePackageObjects(pkgpath, dry.run=TRUE)
code  # a non-negative code means everything went fine

## 2nd pass: do it for good!
updatePackageObjects(pkgpath, bump.Version=TRUE)

## An additional run would only confirm that there's nothing left
## to update.
code <- updatePackageObjects(pkgpath)
code  # 0 (no files to update)

unlink(pkgpath, recursive=TRUE)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Not run: 
## In this example we perform a "dry run" with updateAllPackageObjects()
## to find all the packages in a directory that contain old serialized
## objects.

## Let's assume that the current directory is populated with package
## git clones:
all_pkgs <- dir()  # get list of packages

## If we know that some packages are going to cause problems, we should
## skip them. Note that we could just do
##   all_pkgs <- setdiff(all_pkgs, SKIPPED_PKGS)
## for this. However, by using the 'skipped_pkgs' argument, all the
## packages in the original 'all_pkgs' will be represented in the
## returned vector, including the skipped packages:
    "BaalChIP", "BiGGR", "CytoTree", "gwascat",
    "mirIntegrator", "oposSOM", "PFP", "ROntoTools", "SLGI"

## --- Without a filter ---

## updateAllPackageObjects() will stop with an error if a package is
## required but not installed. The user is responsible for installing
## all the required packages (this is admittedly hard to know in advance).
codes <- updateAllPackageObjects(all_pkgs, skipped_pkgs=SKIPPED_PKGS,

sessionInfo()  # many packages

## The above code was successfully run in the MEAT0 folder on nebbiolo1
## (BioC 3.15, 2067 packages) on Nov 18, 2021:
## - took about 14 min
## - loaded 1190 packages (as reported by sessionInfo())
## - required about 9GB of RAM
## > table(codes)
## codes
## codes
##   -3   -2   -1    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10
##    4   15   66 1549  240   90   46   28    7    5    4    3    3    1
##   13   18   20   23  125
##    2    1    1    1    1
## > sum(codes > 0) / length(codes)
## [1] 0.2094823
## 21

## --- With a filter ---

## We want to filter on the presence of the **word** "DataFrame" in
## the output of 'updateObject( , check=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)'. We can't
## just set 'filter' to '"DataFrame" for that as this would also produce
## matches in the presence of strings like "AnnotatedDataFrame":
filter <- "\bDataFrame\b"

codes <- updateAllPackageObjects(all_pkgs, skipped_pkgs=SKIPPED_PKGS,

## End(Not run)

Bioconductor/updateObject documentation built on May 1, 2024, 9:29 p.m.