The package is a tool for identifying biodiversity records that have been designated locations on widely used grid systems. Our tool also estimates the degree of environmental heterogeneity associated with grid systems, allowing users to make informed decisions about how to use such occurrence data in global change studies. We show that a significant proportion (~13.5%; 261 million) of records on GBIF, largest aggregator of natural history collection data, are potentially gridded data, and demonstrate that our tool can reliably identify such records and quantify the associated uncertainties.


Feng, X., Rocha, T., Thammavong, H. T., Tulaiha, R., Chen, X., Xie, Y., & Park, D. S. (2024). GridDER: Grid Detection and Evaluation in R. Ecological Informatics, 79, 102391.


Currently gridder can be installed from GitHub:

# Without vignette



A short guide of using gridder can be found here:

To see the internal data use the fution data() or str()

str(crs_list_prj) : lisf of crs

str(grid_ID_9) : sf dataframe of grid system

str(ne_10m_admin_0_countries) : SpatialPolygonsDataFrame of all countries

str(occs_unique) : dataframe of occurrences

The workflow overview

BiogeographyLab/gridder documentation built on April 21, 2024, 2:32 a.m.