  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  class.warning = "collapsable-warnings",
  warning = FALSE,
  fig.path = "perf-",
  fig.height = 8.5,
  fig.width = 8,
  message = FALSE,
  error   = FALSE


This vignette presents some performance tests ran between fundiversity and other functional diversity packages. Note that to avoid the dependency on other packages, this vignette is pre-computed.

Other packages to compute FD indices

Main functions

Here is a table that summarizes the comparable functions (and their arguments) for functions included in fundiversity. Note that the package name is indicated before :: followed by the function name.

| Index Type | Index Name | Source | fundiversity function | Equivalent Functions | |:-----------------|:--------------------------------------------------|:------------------------------|:------------------------|----------------------| | α-diversity | Functional Dispersion (FDis) | @Laliberte_distancebased_2010 | fd_fdis() | ~~BAT::dispersion()~~ (doesn't compute FDis)
~~hillR::hill_func()~~ (actually rely on FD for FDis computations and standardize the traits without telling the user)
mFD::alpha.fd.multidim(..., ind_vect = "fdis") | | α-diversity | Functional Divergence (FDiv) | @Villeger_New_2008 | fd_fdiv() | mFD::alpha.fd.multidim(..., ind_vect = "fdiv") | | α-diversity | Functional Evenness (FEve) | @Villeger_New_2008 | fd_feve() | mFD::alpha.fd.multidim(..., ind_vect = "feve") | | α-diversity | Functional Richness (FRic) | @Villeger_New_2008 | fd_fric() | BAT::alpha() (tree, not strictly equal)
BAT::hull.alpha() (hull)
mFD::alpha.fd.multidim(..., ind_vect = "fric") | | α-diversity | Rao's Quadratic Entropy (Q) | @Villeger_Decomposing_2013 | fd_raoq() | adiv::QE()
hillR::hill_func() (standardize traits without warning)
mFD::alpha.fd.hill(..., q = 2, tau = "max") (returns a slightly modified version of Q according to @Ricotta_Diversity_2009) | | β-diversity | Functional Richness Intersection (FRic_intersect) | @Rao_Diversity_1982 | fd_fric_intersect() | betapart::functional.beta.pair()
hillR::hill_func_parti_pairwise() |

The other packages are thus: adiv [@Pavoine_adiv_2020], BAT [@Cardoso_BAT_2015], betapart [@Baselga_betapart_2012], FD [@Laliberte_FD_2014], hillR [@Li_hillR_2018], and mFD [@Magneville_mFD_2022]. For fairness of comparison, even if FD::dbFD() contains most indices we're not considering it as it computes all indices together for each call, and would necessarily be slower.

Benchmark between packages

We will now benchmark the functions included in fundiversity with the corresponding function in other packages using the microbenchmark::microbenchmark() function. We will use the fairly small (~220 species, 8 sites, 4 traits) provided dataset in fundiversity.

tictoc::tic()  # Time execution of vignette
data("traits_birds", package = "fundiversity")
data("site_sp_birds", package = "fundiversity")

dist_traits_birds <- dist(traits_birds)

Functional Dispersion (FDis)

fdis_bench <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  fundiversity = {
    fundiversity::fd_fdis(traits_birds, site_sp_birds)
  FD = {
    FD::fdisp(dist_traits_birds, site_sp_birds)
  mFD = {
    traits_birds, site_sp_birds, ind_vect = "fdis",
    scaling = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, details_returned = FALSE
  times = 30

ggplot2::autoplot(fdis_bench) +
  labs(title = "Functional Dispersion (FDis)")

Functional Divergence (FDiv)

fdiv_bench <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  fundiversity = fd_fdiv(traits_birds, site_sp_birds),
  mFD = mFD::alpha.fd.multidim(
    traits_birds, site_sp_birds, ind_vect = "fdiv",
    scaling = FALSE, verbose = FALSE
  times = 30

ggplot2::autoplot(fdiv_bench) +
  labs(title = "Functional Divergence (FDiv)")

Functional Evenness (FEve)

feve_bench <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  fundiversity = fd_feve(traits_birds, site_sp_birds),
  mFD = mFD::alpha.fd.multidim(
    traits_birds, site_sp_birds, ind_vect = "feve",
    scaling = FALSE, verbose = FALSE
  times = 30

ggplot2::autoplot(feve_bench) +
  labs(title = "Functional Evenness (FEve)")

Functional Richness (FRic)

fric_bench <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  fundiversity = fd_fric(traits_birds, site_sp_birds),
  BAT_tree = BAT::alpha(
    site_sp_birds, traits_birds
  BAT_alpha_hull = BAT::hull.alpha(, traits_birds)
  mFD = mFD::alpha.fd.multidim(
    traits_birds, site_sp_birds, ind_vect = "fric",
    scaling = FALSE, verbose = FALSE
  times = 30

ggplot2::autoplot(fric_bench) +
  labs(title = "Functional Richness (FRic)")

Functional Richness Intersection (FRic_intersect)

fric_bench <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  fundiversity  = fd_fric_intersect(traits_birds, site_sp_birds) ,
  betapart = betapart::functional.beta.pair(
    site_sp_birds, traits_birds
  hillR = hillR::hill_func_parti_pairwise(
    site_sp_birds, traits_birds, .progress = FALSE
  times = 30

ggplot2::autoplot(fric_bench) +
  labs(title = "Functional Richness Intersection (FRic)")

Rao's Quadratic Entropy (Q)

raoq_bench <- fric_bench <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  fundiversity = fd_raoq(traits_birds, site_sp_birds),
  adiv= adiv::QE(
    site_sp_birds, dist_traits_birds
  BAT_rao           = BAT::rao(
    site_sp_birds, distance = traits_birds
  hillR_hill_func   = hillR::hill_func(
    site_sp_birds, traits_birds, fdis = FALSE
  mFD_alpha_fd_hill = mFD::alpha.fd.hill(
    site_sp_birds, dist_traits_birds, q = 2,
    tau = "max"
  times = 30

ggplot2::autoplot(raoq_bench) +
  labs(title = "Rao's Quadatric Entropy (Q)")

Benchmark within fundiversity

We now proceed to the performance evaluation of functions within fundiversity with datasets of increasing sizes.

Increasing the number of species

make_more_sp <- function(n) {
  traits <-, replicate(n, traits_birds, simplify = FALSE))
  row.names(traits) <- paste0("sp", seq_len(nrow(traits)))

  site_sp <-, replicate(n, site_sp_birds, simplify = FALSE))
  colnames(site_sp) <- paste0("sp", seq_len(ncol(site_sp)))

  list(tr = traits, si = site_sp)

null_sp_1000   <- make_more_sp(5)
null_sp_10000  <- make_more_sp(50)
null_sp_100000 <- make_more_sp(500)

Functional Richness

bench_sp_fric <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  species_200    = fd_fric(     traits_birds, site_sp_birds),
  species_1000   = fd_fric(  null_sp_1000$tr, null_sp_1000$si),
  species_10000  = fd_fric( null_sp_10000$tr, null_sp_10000$si),
  species_100000 = fd_fric(null_sp_100000$tr, null_sp_100000$si),
  times = 30


Functional Divergence

bench_sp_fdiv <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  species_200    = fd_fdiv(     traits_birds, site_sp_birds),
  species_1000   = fd_fdiv(  null_sp_1000$tr, null_sp_1000$si),
  species_10000  = fd_fdiv( null_sp_10000$tr, null_sp_10000$si),
  species_100000 = fd_fdiv(null_sp_100000$tr, null_sp_100000$si),
  times = 30


Rao's Quadratic Entropy

bench_sp_raoq <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  species_200    = fd_raoq(     traits_birds, site_sp_birds),
  species_1000   = fd_raoq(  null_sp_1000$tr, null_sp_1000$si),
  species_10000  = fd_raoq( null_sp_10000$tr, null_sp_10000$si),
  times = 30


Functional Evenness

bench_sp_feve <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  species_200    = fd_feve(     traits_birds, site_sp_birds),
  species_1000   = fd_feve(  null_sp_1000$tr, null_sp_1000$si),
  species_10000  = fd_feve( null_sp_10000$tr, null_sp_10000$si),
  times = 15


Comparing between indices

all_bench_sp <- list(fric = bench_sp_fric,
                     fdiv = bench_sp_fdiv,
                     raoq = bench_sp_raoq,
                     feve = bench_sp_feve) %>%
  bind_rows(.id = "fd_index") %>%
  mutate(n_sp = gsub("species_", "", expr) %>%

all_bench_sp %>%
  ggplot(aes(n_sp, time * 1e-9, color = fd_index)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 1/3) +
  geom_smooth() +
  scale_x_log10() +
  scale_y_log10() +
  scale_color_brewer(type = "qual",
                     labels = c(fric = "FRic", fdiv = "FDiv", raoq = "Rao's Q",
                                feve = "FEve")) +
  labs(title = "Performance comparison between indices",
       x = "# of species", y = "Time (in seconds)",
       color = "FD index") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(aspect.ratio = 1)

Increasing the number of sites

make_more_sites <- function(n) {
  site_sp <-, replicate(n, site_sp_birds, simplify = FALSE))
  rownames(site_sp) <- paste0("s", seq_len(nrow(site_sp)))


site_sp_100   <- make_more_sites(12)
site_sp_1000  <- make_more_sites(120)
site_sp_10000 <- make_more_sites(1200)

Functional Richness

bench_sites_fric <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  sites_10    = fd_fric(traits_birds, site_sp_birds),
  sites_100   = fd_fric(traits_birds, site_sp_100),
  sites_1000  = fd_fric(traits_birds, site_sp_1000),
  sites_10000 = fd_fric(traits_birds, site_sp_10000),
  times = 15


Functional Divergence

bench_sites_fdiv <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  sites_10    = fd_fdiv(traits_birds, site_sp_birds),
  sites_100   = fd_fdiv(traits_birds, site_sp_100),
  sites_1000  = fd_fdiv(traits_birds, site_sp_1000),
  sites_10000 = fd_fdiv(traits_birds, site_sp_10000),
  times = 15


Rao's Quadratic Entropy

bench_sites_raoq = microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  sites_10    = fd_raoq(traits = NULL, site_sp_birds, dist_traits_birds),
  sites_100   = fd_raoq(traits = NULL, site_sp_100,   dist_traits_birds),
  sites_1000  = fd_raoq(traits = NULL, site_sp_1000,  dist_traits_birds),
  sites_10000 = fd_raoq(traits = NULL, site_sp_10000, dist_traits_birds),
  times = 15


Functional Evenness

bench_sites_feve <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  sites_10    = fd_feve(traits = NULL, site_sp_birds, dist_traits_birds),
  sites_100   = fd_feve(traits = NULL, site_sp_100,   dist_traits_birds),
  sites_1000  = fd_feve(traits = NULL, site_sp_1000,  dist_traits_birds),
  sites_10000 = fd_feve(traits = NULL, site_sp_10000, dist_traits_birds),
  times = 15


Comparing between indices

all_bench_sites <- list(fric = bench_sites_fric,
                        fdiv = bench_sites_fdiv,
                        raoq = bench_sites_raoq,
                        feve = bench_sites_feve) %>%
  bind_rows(.id = "fd_index") %>%
  mutate(n_sites = gsub("sites", "", expr) %>%

all_bench_sites %>%
  ggplot(aes(n_sites, time * 1e-9, color = fd_index)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 1/3) +
  geom_smooth() +
  scale_x_log10() +
  scale_y_log10() +
  scale_color_brewer(type = "qual",
                     labels = c(fric = "FRic", fdiv = "FDiv", raoq = "Rao's Q",
                                feve = "FEve")) +
  labs(title = "Performance comparison between indices",
       x = "# of sites", y = "Time (in seconds)",
       color = "FD index") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(aspect.ratio = 1)

Session info of the machine on which the benchmark was ran and time it took to run

  func.toc = function(x, y, msg) tictoc::toc.outmsg(
    x, y, paste0(msg, " seconds needed to generate this document")


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Bisaloo/fundiversity documentation built on July 15, 2024, 9:19 p.m.