RLHub-package: Accessing RLHub data

Description Details Author(s) See Also


RLHub provides convenient access point to the processed datasets available within RLBase. In this document, we list the available accessor functions which streamline access to the data.


The RLHub package provides a useful interface to the data stored within the "RLHub" ExperimentHub database. The full manifest of available data is found here:

Title Accessor Description
Primary Genomic Annotations (hg38) annots_primary_hg38 Primary Human genomic annotations curated for use with RLSuite.
Primary Genomic Annotations (mm10) annots_primary_mm10 Primary Mouse genomic annotations curated for use with RLSuite.
Full Genomic Annotations (hg38) annots_full_hg38 Full Human genomic annotations curated for use with RLSuite.
Full Genomic Annotations (mm10) annots_full_mm10 Full Mouse genomic annotations curated for use with RLSuite.
R-loop Binding Proteins rlbps R-loop-binding proteins discovered from mass-spec studies.
Gene Expression gene_exp Gene expression count tables from matched RNA-Seq experiments corresponding to R-loop profiling. The counts, TPM, and VST-transformed counts are provided.
Feature Enrichment per Sample feat_enrich_samples Genomic feature enrichment stats for each peakset in RLBase.
Feature Enrichment per RL-Region feat_enrich_rlregions Genomic feature enrichment stats for the RL-Regions in RLBase.
GS-Signal gs_signal Bin-level read counts for RLBase samples around R-loop sites discovered using long-read SMRF-Seq (gold-standard sites).
FFT-Model fft_model Stacked classifier for deciding whether samples successfully mapped R-loops.
Feature-Prep Model prep_features Model for transforming dataset features prior to classification.
RLFS-Test Results rlfs_res The results from RLFS (R-loop-forming sequences) analysis on all RLBase samples via the RLSeq package.
RLRegion Annotations rlregions_annot R-loop regions (rlregions) derived from S9.6-based and dRNH-based samples ('All' group), annotated with genomic features.
RLRegion Metadata rlregions_meta R-loop regions (rlregions) derived from S9.6-based and dRNH-based samples ('All' group), with descriptive metadata.
RLRegion Read Counts rlregions_counts Read count tables from RLBase samples quantified across the R-loop regions (rlregions) derived from both S9.6-based and dRNH-based samples ('All' group).
RLBase Sample Manifest rlbase_samples The hand-curated manifest of all RLBase samples with descriptive metadata and some sample-level analysis results.


Maintainer: Henry Miller millerh1@uthscsa.edu (ORCID) [copyright holder]

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See Also

Useful links:

Bishop-Laboratory/RLHub documentation built on Jan. 20, 2022, 3:47 p.m.