Man pages for Blakemassey/baear
Functions for Bald Eagle Data Manipulation and Model Fitting

AddCruiseBehaviorAdds cruise behavior
AddFlightBehaviorAdds flight behavior
AddHomeConEdgeDistanceBAEAAdds home and conspecific edge distances to 'baea' dataframe
AddHomeRangeKernelsBAEACreates and exports homerange kernels
AddNestBehaviorAdds nest behavior to baea dataframe
AddNestConDistAdds nest and conspecific distances
AddNormDensAdds Normal Distribution Density
AddPerchBehaviorAdd perch behavior
AddRoostBehaviorAdds roost behavior to dataframe
AddSeasonAdds 'season' to dataframe
AddTimeStepProportionAdds time step proportions
AnalyzePairLocationsAnalyses overlap of homeranges in paired nest locations
BehaviorSubModelBAEASubmodel for behavioral transisitions in BAEA IBM
Bin1DimByGroupBin one dimension vector by group
Bin2DimBin two-dimension vectors
CalculateModeCalculate mode
CapitalizeCapitalize string
ConvertNestIdToNumConverts nest alphanumeric id to nest numeric id
ConvertNestNumToIdConverts nest numeric id to nest alphanumeric id
ConvertStepDataCoordinatesConvert step data coordinates to WGS84
CreateColorsByAnyCreates colors based on any factor in the dataframe
CreateConNestDistRastersCreates conspecific and nest distance raster for each baea in...
CreateFlightPathSegmentsCreate a dataframe of flight path segments
CreateHomeRangeKernelsBAEACreate homerange kernels for the BAEA nests
CreateHomeRangeKernelsInterpolateCreate homerange kernels based on interpolating empiricial...
CreateHomeRangeKernelsParetoCreate home range kernels using a Pareto distribution
CreateHomeRangeKernelsParetoGammaCreate home range kernels based on Pareto and Gamma functions
CreateListIndexCreate list index
CreateNewParsCreate new parameters list
CutProportionConvert data into factors
CutProportionMidConvert data into midpointS
DensAsymGenVonMisesDensity of asymetric generalized von Mises
DensGenVonMisesDensity of asymetric generalized von Mises
ExtractFlightSpeedExtracts flight data
ExtractMovementsExtract movement data
ExtractParsBySexExtract parameters by sex
ExtractParsMatrixExtract parameters matrix
ExtractRoostDataExtracts roost data
ExtractRoostParsExtracts roost parameters
ExtractTransitionProbabilitiesExtract 'momentuHMM' transition matrix probabilities
FilterByNestCriteriaFilter Locations by Nest Behavior Criteria
FilterByRoostCriteriaFilter Locations by Roost Criteria
FilterLocationsFilter locations by individual and dates
FitArrivalFits arrival parameter
FitBehaviorFits behavior parameter
FitDepartureFits departure parameters
FitGammaParsToDataFits Gamma parameter
FitGenVonMisesDensityToArrayFit generalized Von Mises density to array
FitGenVonMisesParsToDataFit generalized von Mises parameter to data
FitNormalDensityToArrayFits a Normal density to an array
FitNormalParsToDataFits normal parameters to data
FitParetoDensityToArrayFit Pareto density to array
FitParetoParsToDataFits Pareto parameters to data
FitRoostFits roost parameters
FitStepLengthFit step length data
FitWrappedCauchyDensityToArrayFit wrapped Cauchy density to array
FitWrappedCauchyParsToDataFits a wrapped Cauchy distribution
FitWrappedNormalDensityToArrayFit wrapped Normal density to array
FitWrappedNormalParsToDataFit wrapped Normal parameters to data
GetDateTimeGet datetime info
IfElseTimedateCompareCompares two times and returns greater or lesser value
IfElseTimedateNAFinds time value that is not NA
LogisticByInflectionLogistic by inflection
NLLBetaNegative Log-likelihood of a Beta distribution
NLLGammaNegative Log-likelihood of a Gamma
NLLGenVonMisesNegative log-likelihood of general von Mises
NLLParetoPareto negative Log-Likelihood function
NLLWeibullNegative log-likelihood of the Weibull function
PlotBehaviorProportionBarPlots daily behavior proportions as bars
PlotBehaviorProportionLinePlots daily behavior proportions as lines
PlotBetaCDFPlot Beta cumulative distribution function
PlotBetaPDFPlot Beta probability density function
PlotCauchyPDFPlot Cauchy probability density function
PlotColorPalettePlots selected color palettes
PlotColorPiePlots colors in pie chart
PlotGammaPDFPlots Gamma probability distribution function
PlotHistAndGenVonMisesPlot histogram of data and generalized von Mises distribution
PlotHistAndNormalPlots histogram and Normal distribution
PlotHistAndParetoPlots a histogram of the data and a Pareto distribution
PlotHistAndWrappedCauchyPlots a histogram with a wrapped Cauchy distribution
PlotHistAndWrappedNormalPlot histogram and wrapped Normal distribution
PlotHistogramByVarPlot histogram by grouping variable
PlotLogisticInflectionPDFPlot logistic probability density function
PlotLogisticPDFPlot Logistic probability distribution function
PlotParetoPDFPlot Pareto probability density function
PlotParsBetaPlot Beta probability density functions
PlotProbabilityRasterPlot 3D raster of selected cells given a probability raster...
PlotRoostECDFPlot roost behavior ECDF
PlotRoostHistogramPlots roost behavior probability distribution
PlotStepLengthsPlot step lengths histogram
PlotTwoLogisticCDFPlot two logistic probability density functions...
PlotTwoLogisticInflectionPDFPlot two logistic probability density function
PlotWeibullCDFPlot Weibull cumulative distribution function
PlotWeibullPDFPlot Weibull cumulative distribution function
RemoveExceptRemoves all objects in global environment except selected...
ReplaceFilesTextReplace text in files
SaveGGPlotSave last printed ggplot
SavePlotSaves last plot
SimplifySimSpatialBAEASimplify the sim object so that the sim's object size is...
SummarizeFitdistSummarizes a 'fitdist' object
SummarizeSESummarize data and standard error
ThemeBlackBlack theme for ggplot
TicMsgMessage for tic of tictoc
TocMsgMessage for toc of tictoc
UpdateAgentStatesBAEAUpdate agent_state object in BAEA IBM
UpdateAgentStepDataBAEAUpdate the step_data object in a BAEA IBM
Blakemassey/baear documentation built on Dec. 25, 2021, 9:48 a.m.