Man pages for Blakemassey/gisr
Functions for Spatial Data Manipulation and Plotting

AddElevationDataAdds elevation data to locations dataframe
AddFirstLastDistanceAdds distance to first and last locations for each day
AddLandscapeValuesAdds landscape data to dataframe
AddNestDataAdds nest-related columns to dataframe
AddSolarTimesAdd solar times
AddStepLengthAndAnglesAdd step length and angle to location data
AddStepTimeAdd step time
AddUTMCoordinatesAdd UTM coordinates to a dataframe
CalculateTerrainMetricCalculate terrain metrics on elevation RasterLayer
CenterXYWithBaseCenters x,y data based on a 'base' raster
CompileDownloadsCompile CTT downloads
ConvertRasterForGGPlotConverts raster for use in ggplot
ConvertToVoronoiConverts points to Voronoi map
CreateArcGISandPDFMapsCreate ArcGIS and PDF maps of Bald Eagle data
CreateArcGISMapsCreate ArcGIS maps of Bald Eagle data
CreateCategoricalLegendCreates a categorical legend for a map
CreateCenterValueMatrixCreate a Matrix with a specific value in the center cell
CreateColorIntervalSequenceCreates a color interval sequence for color ramps
CreateColorPaletteLegendCreates a color palette legend for maps
CreateExtentBufferCreates a buffer around a spatial extent
CreateGaussKernRasterCreate a Gaussian Kernel RasterLayer
CreateKDEPointsCreates kernel density estimate (kde) raster based on spatial...
CreateKDEProbsCreates a probability raster layer based on a 'kde' layer
CreateMapExtentBBCreates an 'sf' polygon based an 'sf' object's extent and...
CreateMoveCreate 'move' object
CreateOSMBaseBBCreate bounding box needed for downloading an 'OpenStreetMap'...
CreateRasterConNestDistProbCreates a Raster of probability values based on...
DownloadCTTDownload CTT data
ExportKMLTelemetryBAEAExport BAEA telemetry data at KML
ExtractMatrixCenterRowExtract values in center row of matrix and convert to a...
ExtractRasterCenterRowExtract values in center row of RasterLayer and convert to a...
GetIntersectionAreaGet Intersection Area Gets the overlapping area of two sf...
gisrgisr: GIS and KML functions
ImportBAEAImports 'baea' data
ImportUnitsImport units
KeepMatrixCenterRowKeep values only in center row of matrix (other cells...
KeepRasterCenterRowKeep values only in center row of Raster (convert other cells...
Plot3DInteractivePlots 3D interactive
Plot3DRasterWrapper function for hist3D() and plotrgl() that plots an rgl...
PlotAllSigmaOptimRastersPlot 4 ggplots for optimization procedure
PlotBWOptimRastersPlot 4 ggplots for optimization procedure
PlotBWOptimRasters2Plot 4 ggplots for optimization procedure
PlotBWRasterPlot Rastet showing bandwidth
PlotLocationCountPlot location counts
PlotLocationSunriseSunsetPlots locations related to sunrise and sunset
PlotLogisticRangePlot a Logisitic function (with probability on the y-axis)
PlotLogisticRange2BetasPlot Logistic Function for two continous variables [0, 1]
PlotLogisticRange3BetasPlot Logistic Function for two continous variables [0, 1]...
PlotMatrixPlot a matrix, with arguments for labels and coordinates
PlotMatrixCenterRow2DPlot a matrix's center row
PlotMovePlot move object
PlotOvernightDistancesPlot overnight distances
PlotOvernightDistancesECDFPlot overnight distances empirical distribution function
PlotRasterAsMatrixPlot a raster as a matrix
PlotRasterCenterCellDistancesPlot raster displaying distances from center cell
PlotRasterCenterRow2DPlot a raster's center row
PlotRasterKernSliceWrapper function to create, slice, and plot a Gaussian Kernel...
PrintRasterNamesPrints the position and name of the rasters in a RasterStack...
Rad2DegConverts radians to degrees
RasterizeOMDownloadConvert basemaps download from 'OpenStreetMaps' to Raster for...
RasterizeROSMDownloadConvert basemaps download from 'rosm' to Raster for use in...
RemoveNonsequentialDaysRemove non-sequential days
RescaleAbsoluteDistanceRasterRescale binary Raster to absolute distance Raster (0 at most...
RescaleAndUniformRasterRescale raster from 0-1 and redistribute values to a uniform...
RotateRasterRotates a Raster in 2-dimensional space
SendWeeklyDataCreates and emails weekly .kml data
SmoothRasterSmooth a RasterLayer using 'smoothie' package Wrapper...
SummarizeDailyLocationsSummarize daily locations
SummarizeLocationsSummarize locations
SummarizeOvernightDistancesSummarizes overnight distances
UpdateIndByYearKMLsCreates or updates .kml files of each individual by year
Blakemassey/gisr documentation built on Aug. 30, 2020, 12:14 a.m.