Man pages for Blanch-Font/SOPHIA
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)

buildDataBuild a Covariate Data for cohort
buildData_T1Build a Covariate Data for cohort
buildFollowUpBuild a Follow-up Data for cohort
buildFollowUp_T1Build a Follow-up Data for cohort
createC10_TimeCovariateSettingsAuxiliar function to create Time form C10 diagnosis
createCohortcreate a Cohort
createHTNRx_TimeCovariateSettingsAuxiliar function to create Time form HTN medication...
createSmokingCovariateSettingsAuxiliar function to create Smoking status
CreateSQL_AMICreate SQL for AMI extraction for Outcome
CreateSQL_AMI_WP4Create SQL for AMI extraction for Outcome for WP4-T1DM
CreateSQL_angorCreate SQL for angor extraction for Outcome
CreateSQL_angor_unstableCreate SQL for unstable angor extraction for Outcome
CreateSQL_DKAWP4Create SQL for Diabetic ketoacidosis from DM1 for WP4...
CreateSQL_footWP4Create SQL for Diabetic foot from DM1 for WP4 extraction for...
CreateSQL_nephroCreate SQL for Nephropathy from DM extraction for Outcome
CreateSQL_nephroWP4Create SQL for Nephropathy from DM1 for WP4 extraction for...
CreateSQL_neuroCreate SQL for Neuropathy from DM extraction for Outcome
CreateSQL_neuroWP4Create SQL for Stroke extraction for Outcome
CreateSQL_PADCreate SQL for PAD from DM extraction for Outcome
CreateSQL_retinoCreate SQL for Retinopathy from DM extraction for Outcome
CreateSQL_retinoWP4Create SQL for Retinopathy from DM1 for WP4 extraction for...
CreateSQL_stroke_iCreate SQL for Ischemic Stroke extraction for Outcome
CreateSQL_strokeWP4Create SQL for Stroke extraction for Outcome
CreateSQL_T1DMCreate SQL for T1DM extraction
CreateSQL_T2DMCreate SQL for T2DM extraction
CreateSQL_T2DM_outcomeCreate SQL for T2DM extraction for Outcome
CreateSQL_TIACreate SQL for TIA extraction for Outcome
createT1DM_AgeCovariateSettingsAuxiliar function to create Age for first T1DM diagnosis
createT1DM_TimeCovariateSettingsAuxiliar function to create Time form T1DM diagnosis
createT1Rx_AgeCovariateSettingsAuxiliar function to create Age for first T1Rx drug
createT1Rx_TimeCovariateSettingsAuxiliar function to create Time form T1DM diagnosis
createT2DM_TimeCovariateSettingsAuxiliar function to create Time form T2DM diagnosis
FunCovarFuncion para pasar del servidor a una tabla plana Necesita...
FunCovar_T1Funcion para pasar del servidor a una tabla plana Necesita...
getDbSmokingCovariateDataAuxiliar function to create Smokins status SQL implementation
getDbuseC10_TimeCovariateDataAuxiliar function to create Time from C10 diagnosis status...
getDbuseHTNRx_TimeCovariateDataAuxiliar function to create Time from HTN Rx diagnosis status...
getDbuseT1DM_AgeCovariateDataAuxiliar function to create Age for T1DM diagnosis status SQL...
getDbuseT1DM_TimeCovariateDataAuxiliar function to create Time from T1DM diagnosis status...
getDbuseT1Rx_AgeCovariateDataAuxiliar function to create Age for T1Rx diagnosis status SQL...
getDbuseT1Rx_TimeCovariateDataAuxiliar function to create Time from T1Rx diagnosis status...
getDbuseT2DM_TimeCovariateDataAuxiliar function to create Time from T2DM diagnosis status...
runStudyRun all the study
transformToFlatTransform covariateData object into FlatTable
transformToFlat_T1Transform covariateData object into FlatTable
Blanch-Font/SOPHIA documentation built on May 12, 2023, 1:09 a.m.