Man pages for BodenmillerGroup/SingleCellMapper
Visualization of highly multiplexed imaging data in R

compImagePerforms channel compensation on multi-channel images
CytoImageListS4 class for list of images
CytoImageList-manipulationManipulating CytoImageList objects
CytoImageList-namingGetting and setting the channel and image names
CytoImageList-subsettingGeneral subsetting methods for CytoImageList objects
cytomapperShinyShiny application to visualise gated cells on images
loadImagesRead images into CytoImageList object
measureObjectsCompute morphological and intensity features from objects on...
pancreasImagesExample CytoImageList object of image files
pancreasMasksExample CytoImageList object of segmentation masks
pancreasSCEExample SingleCellExperiment object
plotCellsFunction to visualize cell-level information on segmentation...
plotPixelsFunction to visualize pixel-level information of...
plotting-paramFurther plotting parameters for the cytomapper package
BodenmillerGroup/SingleCellMapper documentation built on July 2, 2024, 4:31 p.m.