
author: "Vito Zanotelli" date: "2019-08-01" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr} %\VignetteIndexEntry{Example script} %\usepackage[UTF-8]{inputenc}


This describes the neighbouRhood analysis

This code aims to reproduce the neightbouRhood analysis as implemented in the HistoCAT paper.


It needs two tables: - an object table: an object-level table, e.g. extedned from CellProfiler, that contains a column with an imagenumber, a column with an objectnumber and a column with the label (eg cluster id) that should be used for the permutation testing - a neightbourhood graph table: a table that encodes the object relationships, eg the 'Object relationships' table from CellProfiler. Currently the columns need to be: 'First Object Name', 'First Image Number', 'First Object Number', 'Second Image Number', 'Second Object Name', 'Second Object Number' (default Cellprofiler naming)


This package has several steps:

1) Use the prepare_tables function to combine the objects and relationships table into a standardized more efficiently manipulatable format, check ?prepare_tables for details.

Important arguments: - dat_obj: the object data - dat_rel: the neightbourhood graph data - objname: the ObjectName assigned by cellprofiler - col_group: Over which entities should the permutation test be performed? Default: the Image column. This can be used to e.g. do the permutation test over all images from a patient instead of per image.

2) Apply the current labels to cells using apply_labels and calculate the baseline statistics using the statistics aggregation function of interest using an aggregate_* function.

Currently two aggregation statistics are implemented: - aggregate_classic: How many neightbours of type B does a cell of type A have on average? - aggregate_histo: How many many neightbours of type B has a cell of type A on average, given it has at least one neigthbour of type B? - aggregate_classic_patch: What fraction of cells of type A have at least a given number of neighbours of type B?

Check the documentation to see the differences between the two.

These aggregation statistics return 3 columns: Firstlabel, SecondLabel, ct (=calculated statistics)

3) Repeatidly permute the lables using shuffle_labels, apply them using apply_labels and calculate the statistics for the randomized data using the same aggregate_* function.

Use data.table::rbindlist to collate aggregation statistics from different runs

4) Calculate p-values using the baseline statistics, the permutation statistics and the number of permutations using calc_p_vals


Specify the input

This example uses example cellprofiler output and assignes random labels.

Note that the number of permuatitions (n_perm) should likely be increased for a serious analysis.

# path to a (potentially modified) cellprofiller like object measurements file
fn_cells = system.file("extdata", "cell.csv", package = "neighbouRhood", mustWork = TRUE)
# path to the Object relationships
fn_relationship = system.file("extdata", "Object relationships.csv", package = "neighbouRhood", mustWork = TRUE)

n_perm = 1000

# Number of cores used for multicore:

Start the analysis

0) Load and prepare

dat_cells = fread(fn_cells)
dat_relation = fread(fn_relationship)

Here we assign random lables. In a real example the label should eg be a cluster number

dat_cells[, label :=, size=.N, replace = T)]
dat_cells[, group := ImageNumber]

1) Prepare the data

d = prepare_tables(dat_cells, dat_relation)

2) Calculate the baseline statistics

dat_baseline = apply_labels(d[[1]], d[[2]]) %>%

3) Calculate the permutation statistics

This will run the test using parallel computing. The name of the idcol does actually not matter.

dat_perm = rbindlist(mclapply(1:n_perm, function(x){
  dat_labels = shuffle_labels(d[[1]])
  apply_labels(dat_labels, d[[2]]) %>%
},mc.cores = ncores
), idcol = 'run') 

Optional 3b)

Visualize the distribution of the statistics in the permutations vs the observed baseline (red). For large datasets this might be really slow.

ggplot(dat_perm %>% filter(group==1), aes(x=ct)) +
  geom_histogram() +
  geom_vline(data=dat_baseline%>% filter(group==1),aes(xintercept=ct), color='red')
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-8

4) Calculate the p-values

dat_p <- calc_p_vals(dat_baseline, dat_perm, n_perm = 1000, p_tresh = 0.01) 

Varia: Some data visualisation

a) Generate a heatmap of the number of significant interactions for the labels.

Note that we just sum over the signed significant boolean (-1 or 1). If an interaction comes as both significant avoiding as well as interacting, these will just cancel each other out.

Prepare the data

pmat = dcast(dat_p, 'FirstLabel ~ SecondLabel', value.var = 'sigval', fun.aggregate = sum,
             fill=0, drop=F)

rname = pmat$FirstLabel

pmat = pmat %>%
  select(-c('FirstLabel')) %>%

row.names(pmat) <- rname

Plot the heatmap

cols = rev(brewer.pal(11,'Spectral'))
cmap = colorRampPalette(cols)

hr <- hclust(dist(pmat), method="ward.D")
          Colv = as.dendrogram(hr),
          Rowv = as.dendrogram(hr),
          trace = "none",
          #comments = data.frame(names = row.names(tab_Prot))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-11

BodenmillerGroup/neighbouRhood documentation built on Sept. 9, 2021, 4:49 a.m.