Multi Year Time Stratified Bayesian Estimator

MYTSBE is an R package for estimating juvenile salmonid abundances using capture-mark-recapture data collected at rotary screw traps. MYTSBE contains two functions for formatting juvenile salmonid data (Chinook_Format() and Steelhead_Format()) into the appropriate capture-mark-recapture format needed for the MYTSBE model. The package also contains three functions that run the same hierarchical Bayesian model but produce different life-stage and cohort summaries dependent on the species (MYTSBE_Cohort(), MYTSBE_Cohort_Fry(), and MYTSBE_Calendar()).

Getting Started

To install MYTSBE you can use Hadley Wickham's devtools package. To install and load the devtools package use:


NOTE: To use devtools, you may also have to download and install Rtools (although you shouldn't). The latest version on Rtools can be found at

Once devtools is successfully installed, use the following to install MYTSBE:


If you are interested in making contributions to MYTSBE, consider getting a GitHub account, fork this repository, clone to a local directory, modify, and send me a pull request. I can then review any changes and merge.

For further information email me or, see:

Oldemeyer, B.N., Copeland, T.S., and B.P. Kennedy. (in review. 2017). A multi-year hierarchical Bayesian mark-recapture model using recurring salmonid behavior to account for sparse or missing data. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.

Boldemeyer/MYTSBE documentation built on May 6, 2019, 7:58 a.m.