
#' Write Discrete Table
#' This function is used to write the discrete table to a file in the working directory. This
#' file contains the source code for a LaTeX document
#' @param dvars Data frame containing the nominal variables
#' @param group Optional grouping vector
#' @param d.cap The caption of the resulting LaTeX table
#' @param d.lab The lable of the resulting LaTeX table
#' @param maxLevels Numerical containing the maximum amount of levels
#' @param fn Character vector containing the desired name of the output file
#' @export

discrete_table_write <- function (dvars, group = 1, d.cap = "", d.lab = "", maxlevels=10, fn) {
                message("Package reporttools not found, installing package")
                if(!require(reporttools)) message("Reporttools install failed, install manually")
  dvars <- only_discrete(dvars)
  dvars = data.frame(lapply(dvars, as.factor))
  dvars = dvars[, sapply(dvars, nlevels) <= maxlevels, drop=FALSE]
  dropzero = which(sapply(dvars, function(x) length(levels(x))) == 0)
  if (length(dropzero) > 0) dvars <- dvars[ ,-dropzero, drop=FALSE]
  stopifnot(ncol(dvars) > 0)
    tableNominal2(vars = dvars,
               cumsum = FALSE,
               group = group,
               cap = ifelse(exists("d.cap"),d.cap, ""),
               lab = ifelse(exists("d.lab"),d.lab, ""),caption.placement = "top"), file = fn)
  cat("\\input{",fn,"}", sep="")
Boshoffsmit/novaReport documentation built on May 6, 2019, 8 a.m.