rdf2rise-package: rdf2rise: Translate rdf Files to RISE json Files

Description Details Author(s) See Also


rdf2rise is a package to help translate 'RiverWare'(TM)<http://www.riverware.org/> "rdf"" files into the json files necessary to publish data to the Reclamation Information Sharing Environment (RISE). It is intended for pushing modeled (RiverWare) data that are not stored in other Reclamation databases to the RISE database. It works by making guesses about certain fields, so it can be used in a fully automatic fashion, but allows the user to easily override those gueses in a dplyr pipeline.


RISE has 16 required objects in the json file. These can be found in rise_json_req_obj. See the package GitHub site for a table summarizing how these objects are created from the rdf & rwtbl file.


Maintainer: Alan Butler rabutler@usbr.gov

See Also

Useful links:

BoulderCodeHub/rdf2rise documentation built on Nov. 22, 2019, 5:29 p.m.