Man pages for BrainVR/brainvr-reader
Loading, preprocessing and visualising logs from brainvr framework based app

export_position_logExports preprocessed player log
get_distance_timewindowReturns amount of moved distance in given timewindow
get_experiment_logReturns experiment log data
get_finished_trials_indicesReturns which trials were finished
get_logReturns entire player log
get_position_timewindowReturns log between designated times
get_results_logReturn results log data
get_trial_distanceReturns walked distance in a particular trial
get_trial_durationReturns how long the trial took and removes potential pauses...
get_trial_event_timesReturns times of certain events happening in particular...
get_trial_logReturns data.table with player log for a particular trial
get_trial_positionReturns navr_object with data for a particular trial
get_trial_timesGets start and finish times of trial
load_brainvr_logLoads a generic brainvr framework log. These logs have...
load_experimentLoads files form a folder into BrainvrObject
load_experiment_infoLoads particular info file into a list
load_experiment_logLoads expeirment log into a predefined list
load_experimentsGoes through the folder and loads every experiment info into...
load_result_logLoads results log at a specific path
mirror_axesMirrors X and Y to negative and recomputes rotation
open_brainvr_logSearches for and loads a generic brainvr framework log....
open_brainvr_logsGeneric loading of all the results, experiment and other logs
open_experiment_infosSearches the directory for experiment log files. Returs...
open_experiment_logsIterates over all _test_ files in a folder asnd saves them...
open_player_logSearches a directory for a player log. Returns player log...
open_result_logSearches for results logs and returns loaded list.
plot_trial_pathPlots trial path
preprocess_player_logPreprocesses player log and returns it
resize_layoutResizes the map to fit the new constraints.
save_preprocessed_playerSaves preprocessed player ot hte given folder. Receives...
smooth_positions.brainvrSmooths positions and recalculates distances
translate_positionsMoves all positions to correspond to the new 0, 0 coordinate
unity_vector_to_numericConverts output of unity logging a vector 3 to a vector of...
was_trial_force_finishedReturns if the trial has been force finished
BrainVR/brainvr-reader documentation built on Nov. 2, 2021, 11:09 a.m.