Man pages for BrandonRCopeland/DataScience
Provides Helper Functions for Data Science Analysis

df_categorical_feature_distCalculate the feature-level PSI index for the specified...
df_get_feature_binsCreate bins for numeric features
df_get_feature_distributionCalculate the bin-level PSI index for the specified numeric...
df_get_psi_scoreCalculate the feature-level PSI index for the specified...
df_meansGet the means of the numeric columns in a dataframe
df_model_monitoring_distributionsBin and calculate feature distributions for model monitoring
df_model_monitoring_magnitudeIdentify the effect and magnitude of CramersVScore for Chi...
df_model_monitoring_summaryAssess observed and expected feature distributions for drift.
df_validateValidate two separate datasets and return validation data on...
BrandonRCopeland/DataScience documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 9:45 a.m.