sampler-package: Aggregated and overdispersed sampling

Description Details Author(s) References


The sampler package generates aggregated or overdispersed samples from any given phylogenetic tree, spatial points defined by two coordinates, or generic distance matrix. Resulting samples can remove data bias in existing datasets or help design sampling schemes for new experiments.


The package includes 4 functions:
*run_sampler: Generates aggregated (underdispersed) or overdispersed samples of values from any given distance matrix.
*run_sampler_geo: Generates aggregated (underdispersed) or overdispersed samples of points from any given set of geographic coordinates.
*run_sampler_phy: Generates aggregated (underdispersed) or overdispersed samples of tips from any given phylogenetic tree.
*Nee_May_1997: Generates a subsample of tips from a phylogenetic tree that maximize the remaining amount of evolutionary history for each node (see Nee and May 1997).


Bruno Vilela (maintainer), Ty Tuff, Trevor Fristoe, Edric Gavin, Lucas Jardim, Sara Varela & Carlos Botero


Sean Nee and Robert M. May. "Extinction and the loss of evolutionary history." Science 278.5338 (1997): 692-694.

BrunoVilela/sampler documentation built on May 20, 2019, 2:23 p.m.