Man pages for Brunobt80/rPkgNOAADataset
Visualizing NOAA Dataset

draw_panel_function_labelOutsourced function which builts the plot
eq_clean_dataLoads and Cleans the Earth Quake data
eq_create_labelCreates Labes for the leaflet map 'eq_map' creates a string /...
eq_location_cleanCleans the variable "LOCATION_NAME"
eq_mapVisualization of Earth Quakes
geom_timelineFunction which builts the layer for the ggplot.
geom_timeline_labelFunction which builts the layer for the ggplot
geom_timeline_proto_classFunction creates the new geom (geom_timeline).
handle_negative_datesHandling negative dates (BC dates)
handle_positive_datesHandling positive dates (BC dates)
Brunobt80/rPkgNOAADataset documentation built on May 20, 2019, 12:57 a.m.