  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


The software dataresqc is a R package that contains several quality control and formatting tools for rescued climate data from land stations.

Version 1.0.0 was released in December 2019 and can be installed from any CRAN mirror with the command


or from GitHub ( with


Note that the latter requires the package devtools.

System requirements

dataresqc requires R version 3.2 or higher and was built under version 3.6.2.

Some graphical functions require the additional package ggplot2.


The package provides 25 functions. Each function is documented using the roxygen2 package and the documentation of a specific function can be called with the command ?function_name; a PDF file containing the documentation of all functions is available at

The code for the functions is organized in 9 files (folder R):

x <- data.frame(File=list.files("../R"), Content=c("Quality control functions developed at the University Rovira i Virgili", "Conversion functions", "Documentation of data used for examples", "Graphical functions developed at the University of Bern", "Quality control functions developed at the University of Lisbon", "Functions to read SEF files and check compliance with SEF documentation", "Functions to write SEF files and quality flags", "Wrapper of all quality control functions", "Quality control functions developed at the University of Bern"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

Built-in data

The documentation of each function includes a working example. The data used in the examples is stored as .rda files in the folder data. These files were generated from the raw data stored in the folder data-raw using the script data-raw/load_data.R (only available on GitHub).

User documentation

The following documentation is provided to the user:

The PDF wiki is automatically syncronized with the HTML version by...

The .Rmd file for the tutorial is stored in the vignette folder on GitHub, along with the images used in the tutorial.


The license that was chosen for the software is Apache 2.0 (, following recommendations from the CDS staff.

Future developments

This document is for dataresqc version 1.0.0. Additional functions may be added in the future depending on users feedback. The formatting functions will be kept in sync with the developments of the Station Exchange Format.

C3S-Data-Rescue-Lot1-WP3/C3S-QC documentation built on Jan. 15, 2020, 10:36 p.m.