
#' Duration and voicing measures of voiceless plosives in Spanish
#' A dataset containing measures of total duration and voiceless period duration
#' for instances of intervocalic Spanish /p/, /t/, and /k/.  The data are taken
#' from 18 speakers in the task dialogues in the Spanish portion of the Glissando
#' Corpus (the speakers are university students in Valladolid, Spain).
#' If you analyze the \code{ptk} dataset in a publication, please cite Eager
#' (2017) from the references section below.
#' @format A data frame with 751 rows and 11 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{cdur}{Total plosive duration, measured from preceding vowel intensity
#'     maximum to following vowel intensity maximum, in milliseconds.}
#'   \item{vdur}{Duration of the period of voicelessness in the
#'     vowel-consonant-vowel sequence in milliseconds.}
#'   \item{place}{Place of articulation (Bilabial, Dental, or Velar).}
#'   \item{stress}{Syllabic stress context (Tonic, Post-Tonic, or Unstressed).}
#'   \item{prevowel}{Preceding vowel phoneme identity (a, e, i, o, or u).}
#'   \item{posvowel}{Following vowel phoneme identity (a, e, i, o, or u).}
#'   \item{wordpos}{Position of the plosive in the word (Initial or Medial).}
#'   \item{wordfreq}{Number of times the word containing the plosive occurs in
#'     the CREA corpus.}
#'   \item{speechrate}{Local speech rate around the consonant in nuclei per
#'     second.}
#'   \item{sex}{The speaker's sex (Female or Male).}
#'   \item{speaker}{Speaker identifier (s01 through s18).}
#' }
#' @section References:
#' Eager, Christopher D. (2017). Contrast preservation and constraints on
#' individual phonetic variation. Doctoral thesis. University of Illinois at
#' Urbana-Champaign.
#' Garrido, J. M., Escudero, D., Aguilar, L., Cardeñoso, V., Rodero, E.,
#' de-la-Mota, C., … Bonafonte, A. (2013). Glissando: a corpus for
#' multidisciplinary prosodic studies in Spanish and Catalan. Language Resources
#' and Evaluation, 47(4), 945–971.
#' Real Academia Española. Corpus de referencia del español actual (CREA). Banco
#' de Datos. Retrieved from http://www.rae.es
#' De Jong, N. H., & Wempe, T. (2009). Praat script to detect syllable nuclei
#' and measure speech rate automatically. Behavior Research Methods, 41(2),
#' 385–390.
CDEager/standardize documentation built on March 13, 2021, 3:48 p.m.