knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)

# produce dataset for unique individuals

unique_data <- params$data

# where is this report for?


  location <- params$inputs$location_3

} else if(isTruthy(params$inputs$location_2)){

  location <- params$inputs$location_2

} else if(isTruthy(params$inputs$location_1)){

  location <- params$inputs$location_1
} else { # nothing selected

  location <- "the whole trust"


This report summarises data from r format(params$dates[1], "%b %d %Y") to r format(params$dates[2], "%b %d %Y"), within r location.

if("category_table" %in% params$options){

  cat("## Sub Categories  \n")

  cat("###", params$comment_1,  "  \n")

    table_data = params$single_label_data, 
    count_column = "category",
    comment_type = "comment_1"
  ) %>% 

  cat("  \n")


    cat("###", params$comment_2,  "  \n")

      table_data = params$single_label_data, 
      count_column = "category",
      comment_type = "comment_2"
    ) %>% 

    cat("  \n")


if("verbatim_comments" %in% params$options){

  cat("## Verbatim comments  \n")

  cat("Note that in the interests of brevity comments where the assigned category
      is 'Labelling not possible' are omitted  \n")

  cat("  \n")

  cat("###", params$comment_1,  ": Comments  \n")

  verbatim_comments(params$single_label_data, 'comment_1')

  cat("###", params$comment_2,  ": Comments  \n")

  verbatim_comments(params$single_label_data, "comment_2")

if("sample_demographics" %in% params$options){

  cat("## Demographic features of sample  \n")

  cat("### ", stringr::str_to_title(params$demography_1), "  \n")

  print(demographic_distribution(unique_data, params$demography_1, return_ggplot = TRUE))

  cat("  \n")
  cat("  \n")

  cat("### ", stringr::str_to_title(params$demography_2), "  \n")

  print(demographic_distribution(unique_data, params$demography_2, return_ggplot = TRUE))

  cat("  \n")
  cat("  \n")

  cat("### ", stringr::str_to_title(params$demography_3), "  \n")

  print(demographic_distribution(unique_data, params$demography_3, return_ggplot = TRUE))

  cat("  \n")

if("fft_graph" %in% params$options){

  cat("## FFT  \n")

  graph_data <- split_data_spc(
    unique_data, variable = "fft", chunks = "monthly"

  # confirm we have at least 10 groups to plot
  no_group <- graph_data %>% 
    dplyr::pull(1) %>% 
    unique() %>% 

  if (no_group < 10){

     print(p('There are not enough stable SPC points to plot.
                    Please expand your selection'))

  } else{



  cat("  \n")


CDU-data-science-team/experiencesdashboard documentation built on Nov. 30, 2023, 5:57 a.m.