knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
pacman::p_load(CIDAtools, gtsummary, flextable, tidyverse, gtsummary, officedown, kableExtra)

Project title:
Submitted to: Client names, department, school or organization
Report prepared by: Biostatistician’s names, CIDA information^1^
Updates: summary of changes/updates since last report


This should be an condensed version of the introduction from the exploratory report


Study design


Statistical methods


(write in paragraph form so that they can cut and paste into their manuscript, poster, etc.)



Only include relevant sources that are to be cited in their paper.


Information for the investigator to be able to reference for their own understanding. This might include extra figures, graphics, or tables, especially if there are copious amounts of output/results. If it ends up going in the paper, it should probably be moved to the sections above.

^1^ Please contact CIDA if you have any questions regarding authorship or how to cite the CCTSI grant in your work.

CIDA-CSPH/CIDAtools documentation built on Sept. 18, 2023, 10:55 a.m.