knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

CIDA Data Storage Tools


This document provides guidelines, recommendations, and current best practices for where code, data, and other documents should be stored and backed up for members of CIDA. These guidelines are intended to explain the pros, cons, and best practices for the data storage tools available to CIDA members. However, a CIDA member may come across exceptions to these guidelines, and the responsibility for proper data handling within a particular project rests on the CIDA member involved.

Who does this apply to: All members of CIDA (Professor, RA, RI, Senior RI, PRA, Senior PRA)



Data Storage Locations Available to CIDA Members

Local Computer

CIDA (P) Drive

Data storage costs on CIDA drive

tabl <- "
|         | Expected 10-year cost ($)  |
| Data packet size (GB)  | P-drive | OneDrive for Businness (per user)^1^ | Eureka^2^ | 
| 10      | $30 | $600 | $28 | 
| 100      | $300      |   $600 | $276 |
| 1,000 (1 TB) | $3,000      |    $600 | $2,760 |
| 10,000 (10 TB)  | $30,000      |    $1,200 | $27,600 |
cat(tabl) # output the table in a format good for HTML/PDF/docx conversion

^1^Charged to University; not to CIDA
^2^Prices are based on the HDC website.

OneDrive for Business

External Servers

Eureka by Health Data Compass (HDC)


Really, really big data

CIDA-BIOS High Performance Computing Server

Unapproved data storage options

Data Transfer Options

tabl <- "
| Mode of transfer         | Notes  |
| CIDA drive  |  For transfers among CIDA members, the CIDA drive can be used for data transfer | 
| OneDrive for Business | University-preferred means of transferring data |
| Redcap  | Web-based, useful for ongoing projects where data updates are more frequent, ensures data format stays more consistent  |
| External hard/flash drive | Acceptable: CIDA’s 48 TB NAS station, or an encrypted flash drive. Unacceptable: Unencrypted drive, even if the file is password protected
| Last resort: Email  | Email is not encouraged means of transferring data. In circumstances when no other approach is available, note that although email between CU-affiliated email addresses are automatically encrypted, this is not the case for external emails. You can manually encrypt by putting one of these keywords in brackets in the subject of an email: secure, safemail, or encrypt. Email from any other email system, such as gmail, is not acceptable.  
| Not acceptable  | Non-approved web-based systems including: Dropbox, Google Drive, … Unencrypted flash/hard drives, even if the file is password protected. Email from any other email system, such as gmail |
cat(tabl) # output the table in a format good for HTML/PDF/docx conversion

Useful Links

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA):

Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH):

Guidance Regarding Methods for De-identification of Protected Health Information in Accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule:

VPN and Remote Desktop:


OneDrive for Business:


CIDA-CSPH/CIDAtools documentation built on Sept. 18, 2023, 10:55 a.m.