
#' #' UI for Elston Analysis in HiDAP
#' #' Returns user friendly ui
#' #' @author Omar Benites
#' #' @param type type of UI element, deault is a tab in a shinydashboard
#' #' @param title diaply title name
#' #' @param name UI TabName
#' #' @export
#' #' 
#' elston_ui <- function(type = "tab", title = "Elston Index for Ranking and Selection", name = "analysis_elston"){
#'   shinydashboard::tabItem(tabName = name,
#'                           h2(title),   
#'                           box(
#'                             title = " ", status = "primary", solidHeader = TRUE,
#'                             collapsible = TRUE, width = NULL,
#'                             #tabsetPanel(
#'                             tabBox(width = 12,
#'                                    tabPanel("Elston Index", #begin tabset "CHECK"
#'                                             fluidRow( 
#'                                               column(width = 6,
#'                                                      br(),
#'                                                      shinyFiles::shinyFilesButton('file_elston', 'Select File', 'Please select your files',multiple = TRUE),
#'                                                      infoBoxOutput("file_message_elston",width = NULL),
#'                                                      #selectInput('trait_elston', 'Select Trait', c(Choose='', elston_select_options()   ), selectize=TRUE),
#'                                                      #selectInput('rep_elston', 'Select Repetition', c(Choose='', names(iris)), selectize=TRUE),
#'                                                      #selectInput('genotypes_elston', 'Select Treatment', c(Choose='', names(iris)), selectize=TRUE),
#'                                                      uiOutput("genotypes_elston"),
#'                                                      selectInput(inputId = 'means_elston', label='Select type of means',
#'                                                                  choices = c("single","fitted"), 
#'                                                                  selected = "single", selectize = FALSE),
#'                                                      shiny::conditionalPanel("input.means_elston == 'single'",  
#'                                                                              uiOutput("env_elston")#,
#'                                                      ),
#'                                                      shiny::conditionalPanel("input.means_elston == 'fitted'",  
#'                                                                              selectInput(inputId = 'model_elston', label = 'Select model to fit', 
#'                                                                                          c('gxe (interaction)'='gxe',"g+e (no-interaction)"='g+e'),
#'                                                                                          selectize=TRUE, multiple = FALSE), 
#'                                                                              shiny::conditionalPanel("input.model_elston == 'g+e'",
#'                                                                                                      uiOutput("env_elston")
#'                                                                              ),
#'                                                                              shiny::conditionalPanel("input.model_elston == 'gxe'",
#'                                                                                                      uiOutput("env_elston"),
#'                                                                                                      uiOutput("rep_elston")
#'                                                                              )
#'                                                      ),#end
#'                                                      uiOutput("trait_posElston"),
#'                                                      uiOutput("trait_negElston"),
#'                                                      radioButtons(inputId = "format_elston", label="Report format", choices= c("html","word"), 
#'                                                                   selected = "html", inline = TRUE, width = NULL),
#'                                                      actionButton(inputId = "elston_button", label= "Analyze", icon = icon("play-circle"),
#'                                                                   width = NULL, height = NULL)
#'                                               )#end column
#'                                             )#, end fluidow
#'                                    )#,#end tab Panel "CHECK"
#'                             )
#'                           ),
#'                           br(),
#'                           br(),
#'                           br()
#'   )#End data_processing tabItem
#' }
CIP-RIU/fbanalysis documentation built on Oct. 20, 2019, 7:25 p.m.