Man pages for CLPS0900/CLPS0900R
Demonstrations and Utilities for CLPS0900

binomials1Demonstration of binomial distributions
CLPS0900RCLPS0900R: Utilities for Quantitative Methods course.
demo_histIllustration of histogram
demo_nhstDemonstration of 2-sample inference
demo_permutationsDemonstration means and variances using permutations
display.tfunctionPlot a t distribution for dfs 1-100. Compares t distribution...
eda.anxietyPerform two-way anova and related methods using simulated...
eda.whrPerform one-way anova and related methods using WHR_DATA....
get.quantilesGet quantiles needed for power analysis
histnormalPlot a density histogram with a normal distribution...
one.sample.tOne-sample Students t test, with display of t function and...
onesample.ztestOne sample NHST with known mu and sigma
power1Perform a power analysis, with plots for null and alternative...
power.plot1Plot the null or alternative sampling distribution for a...
run.anxietymanipulate two-way anova and related methods using...
run.binomials1Demonstrate binomials using manipulate controls that allow...
run.ciManipulate confidence intervals
run.histnormalManipulate histnormal function
run.onesample.ztestManipulate one-sample z test
run.powerManipulate plot the null or alternative sampling distribution...
run.sampling.dist1Demonstration of sampling distribution of the mean
run.tdistManipulate t distribution. Displays a t distribtution for dfs...
run.whewmanipulate whew1 for regression exercise using Health,...
run.whrmanipulate one-way anova and related methods using WHR_DATA
samp.dist1Demonstration of sampling distribution of the mean
sdpopReturn sigma for assumed population
show.ciPlot Confidence Intervals for CLPS0900
CLPS0900/CLPS0900R documentation built on March 16, 2020, 4:55 a.m.