dq_without_spdats: Find Non-DV HoHs Entering PH, or TH without SPDAT, HoHs in...

View source: R/04_DataQuality_utils.R

dq_without_spdatsR Documentation

Find Non-DV HoHs Entering PH, or TH without SPDAT, HoHs in shelter for 8+ days without SPDAT, and SPDAT Created on a Non-HoH


This checks for three warning types:

  • Non-DV HoHs Entering PH or TH without SPDAT Every household (besides those fleeing domestic violence) must have a VI-SPDAT score to aid with prioritization into a Transitional Housing or Permanent Housing (RRH or PSH) project.

  • HoHs in shelter for 8+ days without SPDAT Any household who has been in shelter or a Safe Haven for over 8 days should be assessed with the VI-SPDAT so that they can be prioritized for Permanent Housing (RRH or PSH).

  • SPDAT Created on a Non-Head-of-Household It is very important to be sure that the VI-SPDAT score goes on the Head of Household of a given program stay because otherwise that score may not pull into any reporting. It is possible a Non Head of Household was a Head of Household in a past program stay, and in that situation, this should not be corrected unless the Head of Household of your program stay is missing their score. To correct this, you would need to completely re-enter the score on the correct client's record.


  app_env = get_app_env(e = rlang::caller_env()),
  unsh = FALSE



(data.frame) See served_in_date_range


(data.frame) From the HUD CSV Export


HUD Export data frame


(named list) with all dates specified or calculated in dates


(named list)

  • prep Column names for Prep

  • we_want Column names for output


(app_env) R6 Object containing dependencies. If all arguments to this function are saved in the app_env, then they will be called from there and arguments do not need to be specified.


Flag for counting unsheltered clients without SPDATs


(data.frame) vars$we_want and Issue (Issue Name), Type (Error or Warning), and Guidance (How to correct the issue)

See Also

Other Clarity Checks: dq_SOAR_missing_at_exit(), dq_check_disability_ssi(), dq_check_eligibility(), dq_conflicting_hi_ee(), dq_conflicting_income(), dq_conflicting_unlikely_ncbs(), dq_date_homeless_after_entry(), dq_detail_missing_disabilities(), dq_dkr_LoS(), dq_dkr_destination(), dq_dkr_months_times_homeless(), dq_dkr_prior_living_situation(), dq_dob(), dq_duplicate_ees(), dq_future_ees(), dq_future_exits(), dq_gender(), dq_hh_children_only(), dq_hh_missing_rel_to_hoh(), dq_hh_no_hoh(), dq_incorrect_path_contact_date(), dq_invalid_months_times_homeless(), dq_mahoning_ce_60_days(), dq_missing_approx_date_homeless(), dq_missing_county_prior(), dq_missing_county_served(), dq_missing_destination(), dq_missing_hi_entry(), dq_missing_hi_exit(), dq_missing_income(), dq_missing_living_situation(), dq_missing_ncbs(), dq_missing_path_contact(), dq_missing_previous_street_ESSH(), dq_missing_prior_living_situation(), dq_months_homeless_tbd(), dq_name(), dq_overlaps(), dq_path_enrolled_missing(), dq_path_no_status_at_exit(), dq_path_reason_missing(), dq_path_status_determination(), dq_psh_check_exit_destination(), dq_psh_incorrect_destination(), dq_psh_missing_project_stay(), dq_race(), dq_referrals_on_hh_members_ssvf(), dq_referrals_outstanding(), dq_rrh_check_exit_destination(), dq_rrh_missing_project_stay(), dq_services_on_hh_members_ssvf(), dq_services_on_non_hoh(), dq_services_rent_paid_no_move_in(), dq_sh_check_exit_destination(), dq_sh_missing_project_stay(), dq_ssn(), dq_th_check_exit_destination(), dq_th_missing_project_stay(), dq_th_stayers_bos(), dq_veteran(), dqu_project_small(), overlaps(), overlaps_same_day()

COHHIO/Rm_data documentation built on Feb. 27, 2025, 7:17 p.m.