pb_update: Update a cli_progress_bar or Progress based progress bar

View source: R/daily_update_utils.R

pb_updateR Documentation

Update a cli_progress_bar or Progress based progress bar


Update a cli_progress_bar or Progress based progress bar


  message = NULL,
  inc = NULL,
  set = NULL,
  e = rlang::caller_env()



(progress bar id (character) or R6 object)


(character) Status message


(numeric) amount to increment. Must supply either inc or set and not both.


(numeric) amount to set at


Arguments passed on to cli::cli_progress_bar


This is typically used as a label, and should be short, at most 20 characters.


New status string of the progress bar, if not NULL.


Type of the progress bar. It is used to select a default display if format is not specified. Currently supported types:

  • iterator: e.g. a for loop or a mapping function,

  • tasks: a (typically small) number of tasks,

  • download: download of one file,

  • custom: custom type, format must not be NULL for this type.


Total number of progress units, or NA if it is unknown. cli_progress_update() can update the total number of units. This is handy if you don't know the size of a download at the beginning, and also in some other cases. If format is set to NULL, format (plus format_done and format_failed) will be updated when you change total from NA to a number. I.e. default format strings will be updated, custom ones won't be.


Format string. It has to be specified for custom progress bars, otherwise it is optional, and a default display is selected based on the progress bat type and whether the number of total units is known. Format strings may contain glue substitution, the support pluralization and cli styling. See progress-variables for special variables that you can use in the custom format.


Format string for successful termination. By default the same as format.


Format string for unsuccessful termination. By default the same as format.


Whether to remove the progress bar from the screen after it has terminated. Defaults to the cli.progress_clear option, or TRUE if unset.


Whether to use this progress bar as the current progress bar of the calling function. See more at 'The current progress bar' below.


Whether to terminate the progress bar if the number of current units reaches the number of total units.


Extra data to add to the progress bar. This can be used in custom format strings for example. It should be a named list. cli_progress_update() can update the extra data. Often you can get away with referring to local variables in the format string, and then you don't need to use this argument. Explicitly including these constants or variables in extra can result in cleaner code. In the rare cases when you need to refer to the same progress bar from multiple functions, and you can them to extra.


Whether to terminate the progress bar when the calling function (or the one with execution environment in .envir exits. (Auto termination does not work for progress bars created from the global environment, e.g. from a script.)


The environment to use for auto-termination and for glue substitution. It is also used to find and set the current progress bar.


(environment) calling environment

COHHIO/Rm_data documentation built on Feb. 27, 2025, 7:17 p.m.