mod_QPR_server: QPR Server Functions

mod_qpr_serverR Documentation

QPR Server Functions


A shiny server Module to generate the header, slider, pickers and plot for each tabitem.


mod_qpr_server(id, header, ...)


id, input, output, session

Internal parameters for shiny.


(character) The header text passed to the initial h2 tag in the header.


Additional (list/shiny.tag.list/shiny.tag)s to be appended to the header after the h2 tag with 'header'. Defaults to list(h4(input$region), h4(paste(ReportStart, "to", ReportEnd))) if unspecified.

See Also

Other QPR: mod_qpr_ui()

COHHIO/RminorElevated documentation built on Jan. 20, 2025, 8:03 a.m.