Man pages for CSAFE-ISU/nbtrd
API to the National Ballistics and Toolmarks Research Database (NIST)

check_link_existsCheck that a link exists
create_bulletsFunction to create a new bullet in a specific barrel
create_firearmsFunction to create a new firearm
create_landsFunction to upload land scans to bullet objects
fill_checkboxfill in a checkbox
fill_conditional_fieldFill in a dropdown field that has an "other" option text box
fill_dropdown_fieldfill in a dropdown field
fill_logical_fieldfill in a logical dropdown field
fill_num_fieldfill in a numeric field
fill_text_fieldfill in a text field
find_textGet text for a link
loop_testTries to run an expression a certain number of times
nbtrd_loginLog in to NBTRD page
NRBTD_downloadDownload data from an entire study
NRBTDsample_downloadDownload data from two NIST bullets to use as sample data
open_modalA loop test to open a modal for data upload
parse_objectiveParse a string containing magnification value 'dddX' into a...
pipePipe operator
quiet_trySuppress all messages and errors when running an expression
setup_NBTRDSet up connection to NBTRD
submit_modalA loop test to close a modal and submit the data
x3p_land_infoRead metadata from x3p and fill in land information
CSAFE-ISU/nbtrd documentation built on Dec. 28, 2020, 12:41 a.m.