Man pages for CSHS-hydRology/CSHShydRology
Canadian Hydrological Analyses

Basic_data_manipulation_functionsBasic data manipulation functions
CAN01AD002Streamflow data
ch_axis_doyGenerates the x axis beginning on specified day of year
ch_binned_MannWhitneyCompares two time periods of data using Mann-Whitney test
ch_booth_plotCreate Booth plot of peaks over a threshold
ch_catchment_hypsCatchment hypsometry
ch_checkcatchmentCheck Catchments
ch_checkchannelsCheck Channels
ch_clear_wdClear Working Directory
ch_col_transparentAdjusts colour codes to introduce transparency
ch_contoursCreate Contours
ch_create_wdCreate working directory
ch_cut_blockExtracts a specified time period from a longer record
ch_date_subsetSubsets dates by string
ch_decades_plotPlots output from ch_binned_MannWhitney for decades
ch_doysDays of year and water year
ch_fdcurvePlot Flow Duration Curve
ch_flow_rasterRaster plot of daily streamflows
ch_flow_raster_qaRaster plot of daily streamflows with WSC quality flags
ch_flow_raster_trendRaster plot and simple trends of observed streamflows by...
ch_get_ECDE_metadataReads Environment Canada Date Explorer (ECDE) meta data file
ch_get_peaksExtracts peak flows over a threshold
ch_get_url_dataGets remote data sets
ch_get_wscstationReads station information from a data file produced by ECDE
ch_hydrograph_plotHydrograph plot
ch_polar_plotPolar plot of daily streamflows
ch_polar_plot_prepCreates a data structure to be passed to 'ch_polar_plot'
ch_qa_hydrographPlots a hydrograph with the data quality symbols and returns...
ch_read_AHCCD_dailyReads AHCCD daily file
ch_read_AHCCD_monthlyReads AHCCD monthly file
ch_read_ECDE_flowsReads a file of WSC daily flows from ECDataExplorer (ECDE)
ch_regime_plotPlots the regime of daily streamflows using quantiles
ch_rfa_distseasonDistance in seasonal space
ch_rfa_extractamaxExtracts the annual maxima of a daily time series
ch_rfa_julianplotCircular plotting by day of year
ch_rfa_seasonstatSeasonal statistics for flood peaks
ch_sliceConverts doy or dwy into a factor that is used to bin data
ch_stack_ECStacks EC values
ch_sub_set_YearsHelper function for selecting points for an axis
ch_test_url_fileTests url to see if it will work
ch_tidyhydat_ECDEConverts a tidyhydat daily flow data tibble to ECDE format
ch_tidyhydat_ECDE_metaCreates an ECDE-like dataframe of metadata from 'tidyhydat'
ch_volcano_pourpointsCreates a sample file of pour points
ch_volcano_rasterCreate Test Raster
ch_wbt_catchmentDelineate catchment boundaries
ch_wbt_catchment_onestepDelineates a catchment in a single step
ch_wbt_channelsGenerate stream network
ch_wbt_check_whiteboxChecks for WhiteboxTools executable
ch_wbt_filenamesCreates names for Whitebox function input and output files
ch_wbt_flow_accumulationCreates flow accumulation grid file
ch_wbt_flow_directionCreates flow direction grid file
ch_wbt_pourpointsSnap pour points to channels
ch_wbt_removesinksRemoves sinks from a DEM
ch_wtr_yrDesignation of the water year
CSHShydRology-packageFunctions for Canadian hydrological analyses
flowAtlanticAnnual maxima from sites in the Atlantic region of Canada
HYDAT_listList of Water Survey of Canada hydrometic stations.
pipePipe operator
Spatial_hydrology_functionsSpatial Hydrology functions
StatisticalHydrology-functionsStatistical analysis functions
Visualization-functionsVisualization functions
CSHS-hydRology/CSHShydRology documentation built on Aug. 18, 2022, 4:44 p.m.