Man pages for CT-Data-Haven/cwi
Prep for DataHaven's Community Wellbeing Index

acs_varsVariable labels from the 2023 ACS
adj_inflationAdd inflation-adjusted values to a data frame
availabilityCheck availability of datasets
batch_csv_dumpWrite a list of data frames to CSV and keep it movin'
collapse_n_wtCollapse survey groups and get weighted means
ct5_clustersFive Connecticuts clusters
cwi-packagecwi: Prep for DataHaven's Community Wellbeing Index
cws_demoCWS demo data
decennial_varsVariable labels from the Decennial Census
fix_cogsFix names of COGs
geo_level_plotQuickly make a 'ggplot' to view data by geographic level
gnh_tenureACS demo data - tenure
jenksQuickly cut a vector with the Jenks/Fisher algorithms
label_censusQuickly add the labels of census variables
laus_codesLAUS area codes
laus_trendFetch local area unemployment statistics (LAUS) data over...
msaNames and GEOIDs of regional MSAs
multi_geo_acsFetch an ACS table with multiple geography levels
multi_geo_decennialFetch a decennial census table with multiple geography levels
naics_codesNAICS industry codes
neighborhood_shapesNeighborhood shapefiles of Connecticut cities
neighborhood_tractsCity neighborhoods by tract
occ_codesCensus occupation codes
proxy_pumasProxy PUMAs
quick_mapQuickly create a choropleth sketch
qwi_industryGet employment counts and total payroll over time
read_xtabsRead crosstab data and weights
regionsRegions of Connecticut
school_distsSchool districts by town
separate_acsSeparate labels given to ACS data
sub_nonanswersRemove non-answers and rescale percentage values
table_numsCommon ACS table numbers
town_namesClean up town names as returned from ACS
town_sfConnecticut town shapefile
tract_sfConnecticut tract shapefile
village2townVillage to town lookup
xtab2dfExtract survey data and descriptions from crosstabs into a...
xwalkCT crosswalk
zip2townZip to town lookup
CT-Data-Haven/cwi documentation built on Feb. 3, 2025, 4:13 a.m.