collapse_n_wt: Collapse survey groups and get weighted means

View source: R/collapse_n_wt.R

collapse_n_wtR Documentation

Collapse survey groups and get weighted means


This is just a quick wrapper for a common, tedious task of collapsing several demographic groups, such as income brackets, into larger groups and taking a weighted mean based on a set of survey weights.


  .group = group,
  .value = value,
  .weight = weight,
  .fill_wts = FALSE,
  .digits = NULL



A data frame, such as returned by xtab2df() joined with survey weights as returned by read_weights(). The default column names here match those returned by xtab2df (group, value) and read_weights (weight).


Bare column names to use for grouping, including the .group column, such as location, year, category, response, etc–probably everything except values and weights.


A named list, where values are character vectors of smaller groups (e.g. c("<$15K", "$15K-$30K")) and names are the groups those will be replaced by (e.g. "<$30K"). This will be split into the arguments to forcats::fct_collapse().


Bare column name of where groups should be found. Default: group


Bare column name of where values should be found. Default: value


Bare column name of where group weights should be found. Default: weight


Logical: if TRUE, missing weights will be filled in with 1, i.e. unweighted. This defaults to FALSE, because missing weights is a useful way to find that there's a mismatch between the group labels in the data and those in the weights table, which is very often the case. Therefore, only set this to TRUE if you've already accounted for labeling discrepancies.


Numeric: if given, weighted means will be rounded to this number of digits. If NULL (the default), values are returned unrounded.


A data frame with summarized values. The .group column will have the collapsed groups, and the .value column will have average values.

See Also

xtab2df(), read_weights(), forcats::fct_collapse()


# collapse income groups, such that <$15K, $15K-$30K become <$30K, etc
income_lvls <- list(
    "<$30K" = c("<$15K", "$15K-$30K"),
    "$30K-$100K" = c("$30K-$50K", "$50K-$75K", "$75K-$100K"),
    "$100K+" = c("$100K-$200K", "$200K+")
cws_demo |>
    dplyr::filter(category %in% c("Greater New Haven", "Income")) |>
    collapse_n_wt(code:response, .lvls = income_lvls, .digits = 2)

CT-Data-Haven/cwi documentation built on Feb. 3, 2025, 4:13 a.m.