Man pages for CTU-Basel/shinysse
Sample size estimation demo shiny app

app_serverMain Shiny server function for shinysse
app_uiMain shiny UI function for shinysse
calc_propEvaluates power functions for power.prop.test
calc_tEvaluates power functions for power.t.test
get_header_mintShinydashboard two-color custom mint header
get_module_registryRetrieves a list of module aliases
run_shinyLaunches the shinysse Shiny web app
sse_introShiny module server function for the app introduction page
sse_intro_uiShiny module UI function for the app introduction page
sse_propShiny module server function for the display of sse for test...
sse_prop_uiShiny module UI function for the display of sse for test for...
sse_ttestShiny module server function for the display of sse for...
sse_ttest_plusShiny module server function for the display of sse for...
sse_ttest_plus_uiShiny module UI function for the display of sse for t-test
sse_ttest_uiShiny module UI function for the display of sse for t-test
CTU-Basel/shinysse documentation built on Feb. 14, 2021, 1:31 a.m.