
#' @title Synthetic Years Index
#' @description We chose proxy years for the calibration time period of 1998-2017
#' by selecting the year from the 1980-1999 model inputs that most closely matched the
#' \href{https://cdec.water.ca.gov/reportapp/javareports?name=WSIHIST}{DWR water year index}
#' in both the San Joaquin and Sacramento Basins of the targeted calibration year.
#' @details
#' The 2019 calibration used a different selection of years using a similar methodology
#' @name year_indicies

#' @rdname year_indicies
#' @format NULL

#' @rdname year_indicies
#' @format NULL

#' @rdname year_indicies
#' @format NULL

#' @rdname year_indicies
#' @format NULL

#' @title Grandtab
#' @description GrandTab data is a compilation of sources estimating the late-fall,
#' winter, spring, and fall-run Chinook salmon populations for streams surveyed.
#' Estimates are provided by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife,
#' the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the California Department of Water Resources,
#' the East Bay Municipal Utilities District, the US Bureau of Reclamation,
#' the Lower Yuba River Management Team, and the Fisheries Foundation of California.
#' For more information see \href{https://wildlife.ca.gov/Conservation/Fishes/Chinook-Salmon/Anadromous-Assessment}{CDFW Anadromous Assessment}
#' GrandTab data is not used for the Yuba River. Instead escapement data for the Yuba comes from
#' Vaki monitoring. See \href{https://cvpia-documents.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/CVPIATemplate_AdultYubaRiver_Cordoleani.docx}{SIT proposal} for additional details.
#' @name grandtab

#' @rdname grandtab
#' @format NULL
#' @section Observed:
#' This data will be used in the fitness function to measure the difference
#' between model predictions and observed escapement. Missing values are NA and we
#' made all records less than 100 NA to account for a lack of confidence for counts
#' less than 100. For spring run, counts less than 100 are included. Feather and Yuba
#' Rivers do not separate spring and fall run, these estimate were scaled using
#' a mean proportion for the runs from 2010-2012 coded wire tag data.

#' @rdname grandtab
#' @format NULL
#' @section Imputed:
#'  This data will be used to calculate the number of juveniles during
#' the 20 year simulation. The GrandTab data is incomplete for many watersheds
#' during the 20 year period of calibration. For watersheds with no GrandTab data,
#' we used 40 as the default escapement value. For watersheds with incomplete data,
#' we used the mean escapement value.

#' @title Mean Escapement 2013-2017
#' @description Mean Grandtab in-river escapement values for CVPIA SIT watersheds (2013-2017)
#' @details see \link{grandtab} for more information on Grandtab
CVPIA-OSC/DSMCalibrationData documentation built on July 20, 2023, 7:04 a.m.