Man pages for CWWhitney/ethnobotanyR
Calculate Quantitative Ethnobotany Indices

CIsCultural Importance index (CI)
CVeCultural Value of ethnospecies (CVe)
ethno_alluvialAlluvial plot of ethnobotany uses and species
ethno_bayes_consensusGives a measure of the confidence we can have in the answers...
ethno_bootBootstrap analyses of ethnobotany indices
ethnobotanydataEthnobotany data set.
ethnoChordChord diagram of ethnobotany uses and species
FCsFrequency of Citation (FC)
FLsFidelity Level (FL)
NUsNumber of Uses (NU)
Radial_plotRadial bar plot of ethnobotany indices
RFCsRelative Frequency of Citation (RFC)
RIsRelative Importance index (RI)
simple_UVsUse Value (UV) index per species
URsUse Report (UR)
URsumSum of all Use Reports (UR) for all species
UVsUse Value (UV) index per species
CWWhitney/ethnobotanyR documentation built on May 1, 2023, 10:13 a.m.