Man pages for CWetzel/XSSS
Extended Simple Stock Synthesis

changeDeplChanges the depletion value for the depletion year in the...
changeHChanges the steepness value in the control file
changeMChanges the natural mortality value for female and male fish...
create.PlotsChanges the natural mortality value for female and male fish...
define_matrixCreate the quant matrix
fit.mvtThis function calculates the covariance between the... the updated posterior probability for the good... the new sampling weights based on the likelihood,...
get.priorCalculate the prior probabilities for the original good...
getQuantFunction to pull quantities
get.seedSeed Function - this function will generate a seed if one is...
matchfunFunction to pull quantities
move.files.fxnFunction that moves and saves the needed files sim.num...
pars.truncbetathis function gets parameters of standard beta...
rbeta.abBeta Distribution for steepness
RepSumFxnGet Final Run Model Output
SSS.ais.fxnThis the main AIS code The code will run the initial N sample...
CWetzel/XSSS documentation built on May 22, 2019, 1:53 p.m.