Man pages for CambridgeAssessmentResearch/KernEqWPS
Kernel Equating Without Pre-Smoothing

ApproxCNNWeightsA list of weights and biases for experimental equating using...
ChainedLinearEquateApply chained linear equating
CircleArcChainedEquateApply chained equating via the circle-arc method
CircleArcEquateCircle-arc based on two vectors of data assuming from...
CircleArcFromMeansFind circle-arc equating functions based on minima, maxima...
CircleArcTuckerEquateApply circle-arc method based on Tucker equating
Crosstab51x11Create 51x11 crosstab for test by anchor scores
DistToMuSigFunction to calculate mu and sigma from a score distribution
EquateCNNExperimental technique to equate using an approximation to a...
EquateNNExperimental technique to equate using a pre-trained neural...
EquateNNWeightsA list of weights and biases for experimental equating using...
fhxContinuized cumulative density function from a score...
FindAVDBandwidthMethod to estimate appropriate bandwidth using the Andersson...
FindBestBandwidthMethod to find optimal bandwidth (between 0.05 and 30) that...
FindBestBandwidth1IterOne iteration of method to find optimal bandwidth (between...
HybridEquateHybrid Levine-PSE equating.
KernelChainedEquateApply kernel chained equating
KernelEquateFromDistsApply Kernel Equating to Equivalent Groups.
KernelEquateFromScoresEGApply kernel equating based on two vectors of scores on two...
KernEqWPS-packageKernEqWPS (Kernel Equating Without Pre-Smoothing).
LevineObservedEquateApply Levine Observed Score equating to data from a NEAT...
LinearEquateApply linear equating to data from a EG design.
mathsdataSimulated item score data
mathsdata2Simulated item score data from a high ability group
MDIAweightsFunction to find weights that can be applied to a data set so...
MDIAwtGroupsFunction to find weights to apply to a number of groups in a...
optPEN1Find bandwidth (between 0.05 and 30) that minimses _PEN1_.
PEN1Calulate PEN1 criterion for match of continuized and original...
PredPercentileCNNExperimental function for getting percentiles using an...
PredPercentileNNExperimental function for getting percentiles using a...
PSEObservedEquateApply post-stratification Kernel Equating to data from a NEAT...
SampleItemsToHitTargetFunction to find a set of items within a test with given...
TuckerEquateApply Tucker Observed Score equating to data from a NEAT...
CambridgeAssessmentResearch/KernEqWPS documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 9:34 p.m.