Man pages for CambridgeAssessmentResearch/POSAC
Partial order scalogram analysis

compare.profilesCompare each pair of structuples/profiles in a matrix.
CRASdataA data set of CRAS demand patterns.
DataToPatternsTake a data set of individuals and reduce to a data set of...
gamfuncFunction to create the gamma matrix
grapes-gte-grapesFunction to compare 2 structuples/profiles for 'greater than...
grapes-lte-grapesFunction to compare 2 structuples/profiles for 'less than or...
itemdiagramFunction to plot X and Y output from POSAC with colours for...
movecheckFunction to explore whether moving the (X,Y) location of any...
muFunction to calculate Guttman's monotonicity coefficient (mu)...
pisaoecd2015Performance of OECD countries in PISA 2015.
POSACPartial Order Scalogram Analysis with Base Coordinates.
POSAC-packagePOSAC (Partial Order Scalogram Analysis with Base...
POSACupdateUpdate POSAC output objects given new X and Y (perhaps from...
realcriteriaProperly calculated POSAC criteria.
SimplePOSACdataA data set of 11 patterns from four variables.
swapcheckFunction to explore whether swapping the location of any two...
CambridgeAssessmentResearch/POSAC documentation built on May 28, 2019, 12:16 p.m.