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DocuSign is the leader in online document signing. They provide a REST API which allows for embedded document signing in several server-side languages, not currently including R.

The docuSignr package uses httr to embed DocuSign into Shiny applications.


docuSignr is available on CRAN and Github.

```{R, eval = FALSE}

from CRAN


from Github


# Requirements

For `docuSignr` to function you will need several things:

- DocuSign account
- DocuSign integrator key
- DocuSign templates
- DocuSign envelopes

# Set-Up

It is recommended that you set the DocuSign username, password, and integrator key as environmental variables idealy in your .Rprofile.

```{R,eval =FALSE}
Sys.setenv("docuSign_username" = "username")
Sys.setenv("docuSign_password" = "password")
Sys.setenv("docuSign_integrator_key" = "integrator_key")


```{R, eval = FALSE} library(docuSignr)

login to get baseURL and accountID

login <- docu_login()

load templates

templates <- docu_templates(base_url = login[1, "baseUrl"])

create envelope

envelope <- docu_envelope( account_id = login[1, "accountId"], base_url = login[1, "baseUrl"], template_id = templates[1, "templateId"], template_roles = list( email = "", name = "R-Test", roleName = "Patient", clientUserId = "1" ), email_subject = "R-Test", email_blurb = "R-Test" )

get URL

URL <- docu_embed( base_url = login[1, "baseUrl"], return_url = "", envelope_id = envelope$envelopeId, # info here must be consistent with info in template_roles above signer_name = "R-Test", signer_email = "", client_user_id = "1" )

sign document



Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

Also see contributing.

CannaData/docuSignr documentation built on July 4, 2019, 2:49 p.m.