getElementwiseStats: Find active elements by annotation

View source: R/MAUDE.R

getElementwiseStatsR Documentation

Find active elements by annotation


Tests guides for activity by considering a set of provided regulatory elements within the region and considering all guides within each region for the test.


  tails = "both",
  negativeControl = "NT",



a data.frame containing the headers that demarcate the screen ID, which are all also present in normNBSummaries


data.frame of guide-level statistics as generated by findGuideHits()


the names of one or more columns within guideLevelStats that contain the element annotations.


whether to test for increased expression ("upper"), decreased ("lower"), or both ("both"); (defaults to "both")


the name in normNBSummaries containing a logical representing whether or not the guide is non-Targeting (i.e. a negative control guide). Defaults to "NT"


other parameters for getZScalesWithNTGuides


a data.frame containing the statistics for all elements


fakeReadData = data.frame(id=rep(1:10000,2), expt=c(rep("e1",10000), rep("e2",10000)), 
                          A=rpois(20000, lambda = 100), B=rpois(20000, lambda = 100),
                          C=rpois(20000, lambda = 100), D=rpois(20000, lambda = 100),
                          E=rpois(20000, lambda = 100), F=rpois(20000, lambda = 100),
                          NotSorted=rpois(20000, lambda = 100), 
                          position = rep(c(rep(NA, 1000), (1:9000)*10 + 5E7),2), 
                          chr=rep(c(rep(NA, 1000), rep("chr1", 9000)),2), 
                          negControl = rep(c(rep(TRUE,1000),rep(FALSE,9000)),2), 
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#make one region an "enhancer" and "repressor" by skewing the reads 
enhancers = data.frame(name = c("enh","repr"), start = c(40000, 70000) + 5E7, 
  end = c(40500, 70500) + 5E7, chr="chr1")
enhancerData = findOverlappingElements(fakeReadData[!$position),], 
  enhancers, guides.pos = "position",elements.start = "start", elements.end = "end")
readSkew=1.2 # we will scale up/down the reads in ABC and DEF by this amount
enhancerData[enhancerData$name=="enh", c("D","E","F")] = 
  floor(readSkew* enhancerData[enhancerData$name=="enh", c("D","E","F")]);
enhancerData[enhancerData$name=="repr", c("D","E","F")] = 
  floor(enhancerData[enhancerData$name=="repr", c("D","E","F")]/readSkew);
enhancerData[enhancerData$name=="repr", c("A","B","C")] = 
  floor(readSkew* enhancerData[enhancerData$name=="repr", c("A","B","C")]);
enhancerData[enhancerData$name=="enh", c("A","B","C")] = 
  floor(enhancerData[enhancerData$name=="enh", c("A","B","C")]/readSkew);
#replace the original data for these elements
fakeReadData = rbind(fakeReadData[!(fakeReadData$id %in% enhancerData$id), ],
#make experiments and sorting strategy
expts = unique(fakeReadData["expt"]);
curSortBins = makeBinModel(data.frame(Bin = c("A","B","C","D","E","F"), fraction = rep(0.1,6)))
curSortBins = rbind(curSortBins, curSortBins) # duplicate and use same for both expts
curSortBins$expt = c(rep(expts$expt[1],6),rep(expts$expt[2],6))
guideHits = findGuideHitsAllScreens(experiments = expts, countDataFrame=fakeReadData,
                                    binStats = curSortBins, unsortedBin = "NotSorted",

potentialEnhancers = rbind(enhancers, data.frame(name = sprintf("EC%i", 1:16), 
  start = (5:20)*6000 + 5E7, end = (5:20)*6000 + 5E7+500, chr="chr1"))
#annotate guides with elements, but first get all non-targeting guides
guideHitsAnnotated = guideHits[$position),];
guideHitsAnnotated$name=NA; guideHitsAnnotated$start=NA; 
guideHitsAnnotated$end=NA; guideHitsAnnotated$chr=NA;
guideHitsAnnotated = rbind(guideHitsAnnotated, 
  findOverlappingElements(guideHits[!$position),], potentialEnhancers, 
    guides.pos = "position",elements.start = "start", elements.end = "end") )
allElementHits = getElementwiseStats(experiments = expts, normNBSummaries = guideHitsAnnotated, 
  elementIDs = "name", tails = "both", negativeControl = "negControl")
allElementHits = merge(allElementHits, potentialEnhancers, by="name")
  p=ggplot(allElementHits, aes(x=start, xend=end, y=significanceZ, yend=significanceZ, 
    colour=FDR<0.01, label=name)) + geom_segment()+
    geom_text(data= allElementHits[allElementHits$FDR<0.01,], colour="black") + 
    facet_grid(expt ~ .); print(p)

Carldeboer/MAUDE documentation built on March 27, 2022, 8:50 p.m.