Bigtop_reqs: Chill and heat requirements for Big Top nectarine

Bigtop_reqsR Documentation

Chill and heat requirements for Big Top nectarine


Chill and forcing heat requirements for the phenological stages between 'bud swelling' (B, 51 in Baggliolini and BBCH scales, respectively) and 'ovary surrounded by dying sepal crown' (I, 72) in Big Top nectarine. For use in combination with the example dataset Tudela_DW.




A data frame with 7 observations on the following 2 variables.


a numeric vector, chill portions


a numeric vector, forcing heat as growing degree hours


Chill requirements are in chill portions, starting chill accummulation on 1 november (day of year 305), forcing heat is as growing degree hours calculated with linear method with a base temperature of 4.7 C and no optimal and upper critical thresholds.


Miranda C, Santesteban LG and Royo JB. 2013. Evaluation and fitting of models for determining peach phenological stages at a regional scale. Agric Forest Meteorol 178-179: 129-139.

Carm1r/fruclimadapt documentation built on May 8, 2023, 12:37 p.m.