Man pages for CausalInference/gfoRmula
Parametric G-Formula

basicdataExample Dataset for a Survival Outcome with Censoring
basicdata_nocompExample Dataset for a Survival Outcome without Censoring
binary_eofdataExample Dataset for a Binary Outcome at End of Follow-Up
bootstrap_helperBootstrap Observed Data and Simulate Under All Interventions
carry_forwardCarry Forward
censor_dataExample Dataset for a Survival Outcome with an Indicator of...
coef.gformulaCoefficient method for objects of class "gformula"
continuous_eofdataExample Dataset for a Continuous Outcome at End of Follow-Up
continuous_eofdata_pbExample Dataset for a Continuous Outcome at End of Follow-Up...
error_catchGeneral Error Catching
fit_bounded_continuousFit Bounded Normal Model on Covariate
fit_glmFit GLM on Covariate
fit_multinomialFit Multinomial Model on Covariate
fit_trunc_normalFit Truncated Normal Model on Covariate
fit_zeroinfl_normalFit Zero-Inflated Normal Model on Covariate
get_cvgrphsGet Covariate Plots
get_outgrphsGet Risk and Survival Plots
get_plot_infoGet Plotting Information
gformulaEstimation of Survival Outcome, Continuous End-of-Follow-Up...
gformula_binary_eofEstimation of Binary End-of-Follow-Up Outcome Under the...
gformula_continuous_eofEstimation of Continuous End-of-Follow-Up Outcome Under the...
gformula_survivalEstimation of Survival Outcome Under the Parametric G-Formula
hr_helperFormat Simulated Dataset for Hazard Ratio Calculation
intfuncExecute Intervention
laggedHistory functions
make_historiesGenerates Functions of History of Existing Covariates
naturalNatural Course Intervention
obs_calculateCalculate Observed Covariate Means and Risk
plot.gformula_binary_eofPlot method for objects of class "gformula_binary_eof"
plot.gformula_continuous_eofPlot method for objects of class "gformula_continuous_eof"
plot.gformula_survivalPlot method for objects of class "gformula_survival"
pred_fun_covFit Covariate Models
pred_fun_DFit Competing Event Model
pred_fun_YFit Outcome Model
predict_binomialSimulate Binary Values
predict_normalSimulate Normal Values
predict_trunc_normalSimulate Truncated Normal Values
print.gformula_survivalPrint and summary methods for "gformula" objects
rmse_calculateCalculate RMSE for Covariate, Outcome, and Competing Risk...
simple_restrictionSimple Restriction
simulateSimulate Counterfactual Outcomes Under Intervention
staticStatic Intervention
thresholdThreshold Intervention
vcov.gformulaVariance-covariance method for objects of class "gformula"
visit_sumCreate Visit Sum Covariate
CausalInference/gfoRmula documentation built on Feb. 22, 2025, 6:29 a.m.