static: Static Intervention

View source: R/interventions.R

staticR Documentation

Static Intervention


This function implements a static intervention (i.e., either constant treatment or no treatment over all time points) for the specified intervention variable in the data table newdf.


static(newdf, pool, intvar, intvals, time_name, t)



Data table containing the simulated data at time t.


Data table containing the simulated data at times before t.


Character string specifying the name of the variable to be intervened on in each round of the simulation.


A list of length 1. The entry is the value of static treatment to be assigned to intvar.


Character string specifying the name of the time variable in pool and newdf.


Integer specifying the current time index.


No value is returned. The data table newdf is modified in place.


## Estimating the effect of static treatment strategies on risk of a
## failure event

id <- 'id'
time_points <- 7
time_name <- 't0'
covnames <- c('L1', 'L2', 'A')
outcome_name <- 'Y'
outcome_type <- 'survival'
covtypes <- c('binary', 'bounded normal', 'binary')
histories <- c(lagged, lagavg)
histvars <- list(c('A', 'L1', 'L2'), c('L1', 'L2'))
covparams <- list(covmodels = c(L1 ~ lag1_A + lag_cumavg1_L1 + lag_cumavg1_L2 +
                                  L3 + t0,
                                L2 ~ lag1_A + L1 + lag_cumavg1_L1 +
                                  lag_cumavg1_L2 + L3 + t0,
                                A ~ lag1_A + L1 + L2 + lag_cumavg1_L1 +
                                  lag_cumavg1_L2 + L3 + t0))
ymodel <- Y ~ A + L1 + L2 + L3 + lag1_A + lag1_L1 + lag1_L2 + t0
intervention1.A <- list(static, rep(0, time_points))
intervention2.A <- list(static, rep(1, time_points))
int_descript <- c('Never treat', 'Always treat')
nsimul <- 10000

gform_basic <- gformula(obs_data = basicdata_nocomp, id = id,
                        time_points = time_points,
                        time_name = time_name, covnames = covnames,
                        outcome_name = outcome_name,
                        outcome_type = outcome_type, covtypes = covtypes,
                        covparams = covparams, ymodel = ymodel,
                        intervention1.A = intervention1.A,
                        intervention2.A = intervention2.A,
                        int_descript = int_descript,
                        histories = histories, histvars = histvars,
                        basecovs = c('L3'), nsimul = nsimul,
                        seed = 1234)

CausalInference/gfoRmula documentation built on Feb. 22, 2025, 6:29 a.m.